Originally posted on December 18, 2020.
What’s Next?
Part I
We spent much of the summer and part of the fall on the road gauging the enthusiasm of East Coast American voters from Maine to Key West.
In PA, we took route Rt. 209 from Jim Thorpe to Rt. 81 into Harrisburg. Biden nothing. Near-zero interest for Joe Biden.
And yet it now would appear as of Sunday, 8 November, that Joe Biden, to the surprise of most observers of the real numbers, may become America’s next president.
Unquestionably, Donald Trump did not help his case with his ongoing angry Twitter campaign. And China’s Coronavirus gift to the world (that keeps on giving) would have put a crimp in any sitting president’s position.
Regardless, a whole lot of big blue city votes appear to have materialized seemingly out of thin air.
Debbie and I, from our selfish perspective, thank President Trump for delivering on the job he promised voters he would do. Trump delivered in spades. And no groups of Americans know this any better than blue-collar workers, Latinos, blacks, and Asian Americans.
President Trump has built his legacy and can step forward with pride for a job well done.
In Part II, I’ll be starting with a multi-part “What’s Next?” strategy outline.
This game plan will serve as the foundation for my global investment and survival framework at Richard Young & Co., Ltd. over the coming 24 months.
I hope you, your family, and associates will benefit from our research efforts. Check regularly at richardcyoung.com for updates.
Warm regards,
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