President Trump has kept his promises. He has achieved or attempted to achieve every one of his campaign promises. Only the interference of Congress has held him back from the goals he’s failed on. At The American Spectator, Melissa Mackenzie explains why the President’s willingness to fight for his voters will propel him to four more years in office. She writes (abridged):
Here’s a smattering of what didn’t bother the corruption biddies with Obama:
A daily, often illegal, executive order. Obama pompously threatened and humiliated the Supreme Court to their faces during the State of the Union. Anyone who disagreed with him was accused of racism. He called people who didn’t vote for him “bitter clingers” and “tea baggers.” Narcissism? He carried around a selfie stick and slow-jammed the news like a teenager. Foreign policy? He gave guns to Mexican drug cartels and pallets of money to the leading worldwide sponsor of terror.
He started inane wars and ignored red lines.
Obama’s administration got rich while serving
President Obama was a divisive, corrupt, childish, narcissistic president, and there was no investigation. No digging for evidence. No 99 percent negative press coverage.
A no-talent do-nothing community organizer with zero skills and a scant résumé made it into the Oval Office and was fawned over for eight years.
President Trump is a terrible Republican. It’s true. Unlike most Republicans, he keeps his campaign promises.
He reduced taxes. He attempted to get rid of Obamacare with Congress and did everything he could do by executive order when the GOP couldn’t get its act together. He reduced illegal immigration.
He made an environment safe for jobs by reducing regulation. He’s minimized American involvement in conflict. He’s armed friends (Ukraine, Poland, Israel) and restrained enemies. He’s stopped playing games with the Palestinians and cut off aid. He removed America from the idiotic Paris Accords and the even dumber Iran Deal.
Against an entitled bureaucratic morass, he has attempted to fulfill the wishes of his constituents, and in the process the economy has soared and families and businesses are thriving.
And Trump fights. That’s the main way he’s not Republican. He doesn’t cower in fear in front a ravenous media. He raves back.
Read more here.
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