Was Andrew M. Cuomo telling these members of the New York Army National Guard’s 206th Military Police Company, who were preparing for Hurricane Irene, that America was never that great?
These words, spoken by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo during a campaign speech he gave in August, are indicative of the left’s hate of America and its self-congratulatory lifestyle, writes Shelby Steele in the WSJ.
Hate is a license, explains Mr. Steele, a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, who specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action.
Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left—Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself.
Hatred is a transformative power. It can make the innocuous into the menacing. So it has become a weapon of choice. The left has used hate to transform President Trump into a symbol of the new racism, not a flawed president but a systemic evil. And he must be opposed as one opposes racism, with a scorched-earth absolutism.
For Martin Luther King Jr., hatred was not necessary as a means to power. The actual details of oppression were enough. Power came to him because he rejected hate as a method of resisting menace. He called on blacks not to be defined by what menaced them. Today, because menace provides moral empowerment, blacks and their ostensible allies indulge in it. The menace of black victimization becomes the unarguable truth of the black identity. And here we are again, forever victims.
Yet the left is still stalked by obsolescence. There is simply not enough menace to service its demands for power. The voices that speak for the left have never been less convincing. It is hard for people to see the menace that drives millionaire football players to kneel before the flag. And then there is the failure of virtually every program the left has ever espoused—welfare, public housing, school busing, affirmative action, diversity programs, and so on.
Read more from Shelby Steele here.
NY Governor Cuomo: America was ‘never that great’
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