The problem last night with Bill Clinton’s speech in which he tried to “humanize” his wife, was that the more Bill talked, “the weirder it was that he didn’t address the elephant(s) in the room, “ writes Jonah Goldberg in NRO.
I’m not saying there weren’t effective bits. But my God that speech was boring unless you’re already fascinated by Hillary Clinton. He could have been extremely effective as the attack dog — a role he relished in previous conventions. He could have tried to appeal to the core of what was once his base: the Bubba vote. He could have spoken seriously about terrorism or immigration and other wedge issues that hurt the Democrats right now. Instead he opted to reassure the ranks of law professors, legal aid activists, bureaucrats, congressional committee staffers and other apparatchiks that Hillary Clinton has always been the sort of progressive to sport a COEXIST bumper sticker on her car.
By the way, that’s human, not Huma.
Maddow Found the First Part of Bill Clinton’s Speech ‘Shocking and Weird’
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