In 2012, Indiana will be asked to choose between a hard-line conservative or “Obama’s Favorite Republican,” Senator Dick Lugar. Lugar has a long history of leaning toward liberalism. Here’s the brutal list of 10 of Lugar’s worst offenses from Hoosiers for Conservative Senate.
1. Voted “YES” for the Wall Street Bailout (TARP) and putting taxpayers on the hook. Senator Dick Lugar Supported the Wall Street Bailout. (Oct. 1, 2008, HR1424)
2. Voted “YES” to confirm Elena Kagan for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.. Senator Dick Lugar was the second Republican to declare his support for this known liberal nominee of President Barack Obama. Lugar knew Elena Kagan was the lead defender of Bill Clinton’s shameless veto of the Partial-Birth-Abortion Ban. Aug. 5, 2010. (Roll Call 229)
3. Voted “YES” for amnesty for illegal aliens. Senator Dick Lugar not only has repeatedly voted for amnesty, but also was a prime co-sponsor of President Barack Obama’s notorious DREAM Act and voted for this bill. Fortunately, conservatives voted against it, and it failed. Dec 18, 2010 (HR5281, Roll Call 625)
4. Voted “YES” to continue taxpayer funding of abortion. Senator Dick Lugar, who claims to be pro-life, voted against Senator David Vitter’s amendment to prohibit funds from being granted to organizations that perform abortions when a woman’s life is not in danger, unless the organization is a hospital. Oct. 18, 2007. (S.Amdt 3330 Roll Call 379) Lugar also voted to support stem cell research, which destroys human life. July 18, 2006 (HR810, Roll Call 206)
5. Voted “NO” to restoring the 2nd Amendment rights to citizens of the District of Columbia. Senator Dick Lugar voted against this basic right to self-defense on February 26, 2009. (S.160, Roll Call 72)
6. Voted “YES” to confirm Sonia Sotomayor for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Senator Dick Lugar gave the White House a “resounding victory” by voting for this liberal nominee of President Barack Obama. More than 70% of GOP Senators voted against her confirmation and the NRA publicly opposed her confirmation. Aug 6, 2009
7. Voted “YES” for the Auto Industry Bailout. Senator Dick Lugar gave the Big Labor Union Bosses a big gift by forcing taxpayers to take over GM and Chrysler. In the process, Indiana retirees lost tens of millions in retirement fund savings, thanks to the legally unprecedented, Obama-Orchestrated bankruptcy plan for Chrysler. Dec. 11, 2008. (HR 7005, Roll Call 215)
8. Voted “YES” to allow Social Security Benefits for illegal aliens. Senator Dick Lugar cast the deciding vote against reducing document fraud, preventing identity theft, preserving the integrity of the Social Security system, and granting Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who engaged in unlawful activity. Feb. 18, 2006. (S.2611, Roll Call 130)
9. Voted “YES” to raise his own salary. Senator Dick Lugar voted numerous times to raise his own salary during his nearly four decades in federal office
10. Voted “YES” to confirm activist Federal Judge David Hamilton to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Senator Dick Lugar supported Hamilton despite his work with the ACLU and ACORN and his openly pro-abortion views. Hamilton also handed down the decision to stop Christian prayer on the floor of the legislature in the Indiana Statehouse. Nov. 19,2009
Senator Lugar is avidly anti-gun rights. Lugar voted to oppose a concealed carry bill written by Senator John Thune. Even Lugar’s fellow Senator from Indiana, Evan Bayh, a Democrat, voted for the bill. According to the Huffington Post, “Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) cast one of two no votes from the GOP. The vote was in character for Lugar, who is no enemy of gun-control advocates.” The NRA has graded Lugar a D+ for his lack of support for Second Amendment rights. Lugar told Bloomberg’s Al Hunt that he supports reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban. The exchange regarding gun control starts five minutes into the video below. Lugar’s anti-conservative credentials should preclude any conservative for voting for him in 2012.