In Ron Paul is Dead!, I have given you a look at the message that Ron Paul, who often poorly articulates it, brings to America. You also have a roster of antagonists to watch as advisors to the current Republican candidates for president (see parts 1 and 2 of Ron is Paul Dead!). My complete roster of neocon antagonists is deep and long. As names surface over the upcoming months, I will point them out to you and suggest, with the benefit of historical perspective, what each might have in mind for American foreign policy. The central track, of course, will be a heavy-handed military/industrial complex approach to nation building.
As neither a Democrat nor Republican, I want to do my part to alter the direction our country has been traveling for nearly 100 years. With my active participation in the non-politically aligned Cato Institute, I get a good start. As a Cato Club 200 member, there is an opportunity to learn and participate in a broad fashion through the group’s regular monthly get-togethers and special events, as well as Cato’s ongoing briefing sessions. I first met Cato Chairman Bob Levy nearly 40 years ago when we were each associated with a Wall Street investment trading and research firm. Over the decades, Bob has become, much as has Ron Paul, an intelligent responder and thinker on all matters relating to America’s liberty and freedom, especially the Constitution. The door is open in 2012 for a wholesale housecleaning in Washington, leading to a far safer and economically stronger America. Do American’s have the backbone to get the job done? That remains to be seen.
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