This week I was staying in Boston with Debbie, and at our hotel we met numerous doctors in town for a medical conference. I was wearing a “Don’t Tread on Me!” cap around the hotel and kept getting the same comment from the doctors staying there. The gist of what they all said was “Don’t you just hate this health-care bill?”
The response was surely not expected, though in these odd days it didn’t surprise me in the least. Doctors are outraged, and even before patients have had a chance to deal with the onerous mandates of Obamacare, doctors are already planning for its consequences down the road. They know better than anyone that it will ruin their businesses and destroy many long-standing doctor-patient relationships.
In their honor, and the spirit of liberty, I’m unfurling a Don’t Tread on Me! flag for The new site motto is “The Insight and Incite Site.”
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