A convincing win in Wednesday’s Wisconsin recall election catapults Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, along with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, onto the national stage as a leader in what is now a national movement for better education for America’s children and grandchildren. These two governors will provide national leadership for a new model that literally will reshape American politics.
At National Review John Fund writes in his essay (quoting labor historian Fred Siegel), “Ending dues deductions breaks the political cycle in which government collects dues and gives them to the unions, who use the dues to back their favorite candidates and also lobby for bigger government and more pay benefits.” It will soon be clear to voters around America that a stake has been driven into the heart of the outdated public-sector union movement. According to Mr. Fund, the Wisconsin union that last year had 22,300 Wisconsin state workers “has seen its membership sink by two-thirds to 7,000.”
This fall, candidates seeking election can now run on a simple platform of states’ rights, decertification of public sector employee unions, and the charter school option for all Americans. This also means the adoption of right to work laws. Success will quickly translate to a WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS mantra that can be plastered on ads, placards and billboards across every state that wins the battle.
Wisconsin is adding jobs at a historical rate. This historical job growth is due to the relentless efforts of one man, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. The outflanked, timid and overmatched administration of President Barack Obama is on the ropes. A centralized, big government model influenced by the specific principles of Marxism is a failed strategy. On a national level, the only employees being added to payrolls aggressively are federal regulators. The national employment picture is a nightmare, as I detail in my upcoming Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report. My clients, America’s small business owners, will not add employees in the type of national economic environment created by this failed Obama administration.
Wisconsin voters have proudly banded together to deliver a death knell to public sector unions, and now the movement will thunder forth nationally. I expect the Tea Party movement, greatly energized by Scott Walker, to be the leading edge of the movement for WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS. All Americans have Governor Walker and the hard working people of Wisconsin to thank for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for our children, grandchildren and our Federal Republic form of government. Thomas Jefferson is smiling somewhere. Congratulations Governor Walker.
Warm regards,
Dick Young
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