The Editors at the Washington Times report on a nasty initiative by Washington bureaucrats and the White House to take control of the American education system.
When Jimmy Carter opened the Department of Education, Uncle Sam was supposed to be just a financier doling out money to schools. Federal law prohibited the department from writing the curriculum or selecting “instructional materials.” Things began to change with the adoption of President Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” law, which opened the door for the feds to start dictating standards to local communities. The White House is now taking the next step by offering $4 billion in “Race to the Top” stimulus money to bribe states into embracing decisions made by a central committee.
Common Core is a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching guidelines and assessments that transfers control of what is being taught in local schools away from teachers, parents and administrators and hands it to a remote bureaucracy. Federal officials will eventually take charge.
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