Half the country is likely to use yesterday’s events to malign Trump and his supporters and to condemn the violent attack on the Capitol (as they should). Meanwhile, will they also continue to excuse the violent BLM protests and riots that happened all summer?
As BRIGHT editors (The Federalist) observe, double standards are the norm.
Violence is violence, and there can be no excuse or justification for it. We are horrified by yesterday’s assault, as we were when lives were destroyed and businesses were burned from the BLM riots. Yesterday was a stain on our democracy that will undoubtedly be used against the American people, resulting in serious repercussions for our most basic rights.
If anyone’s to blame, it’s big tech and the media for lying about Republicans and President Trump for years, and leaving millions of Americans feeling censored and ignored.
In an attempt to make sense of it all, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, who just raised $18 million to help small businesses, wrote on Twitter what many Americans can agree upon:
95% of people in this country are normal. The extreme right sucks and extreme left suck. Both sides filled with lunatics, crazies and morons. And almost all politicians are hypocrites who manipulate these idiots for personal gain.
Added Portnoy: “And no, I won’t run for President. I’d rather die.”
Perhaps recent history helps explain the fury from Republican voters. James Freeman reports on observations from a WSJ reader who believes Joe Biden did win the election:
The Left needs to accept the fact that too many of the things they told us could not possibly be true turned out to be true—right up to calling him (Trump) a liar for saying there would be a vaccine. And now they expect normal people, who don’t follow politics 24/7… to simply believe them that everything is on the up and up. You know, just like the FISA investigation.
Everyday people are expected to be able to understand that, even though they see a bag of votes discovered here, and an irregularity there, that these are isolated incidents and don’t define the entire system. And journalists look down on these people and their cognitive biases. And then these same journalists see a George Floyd video and are ready to dismantle police departments!
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