A terrified and stunned world increasingly looks elsewhere to non-American solutions, argues Victor Davis Hanson.
President Joe Biden talks about more solar and wind farms – the green new deals that won’t fill the gas tanks in Munich or heat the homes of Kyoto, or lower the price of imported oil in the United Kingdom.
Claiming the Afghanistan mess was a success fools no one, writes VDH in American Greatness.
Our allies ask, who is leading the United State? Not an ‘impaired’ Joe Biden, who never is quite sure where he is, what he is doing, or whom he is with, VDH continues:
- Not Kamala Harris, whose only interests appear to be demagoguing racial and social tensions with a shrinking vocabulary.
- Not Senator John Fetterman (D-Penn.), who was elected on the argument it was unkind not to vote for a candidate who was physically and mentally impaired.
- Not energy department kingpin Sam Brinton, the cross-dresser in lipstick, now charged with felonies for stealing women’s luggage at airport carousels.
- Not Pete Buttigieg, our transportation secretary, who virtue signals melodramas of the past when he is clueless how to fix crises in the present.
- Not our Pentagon brass who fixate on saying the correct thing now to ensure the lucrative defense contractor billets later.
Mr. Hanson reminds readers that the “U.S. media was once the world’s gold standard.”
The New York Times claimed it was the paper of record. Network news was liberally slanted but often fair. Crusading independent journalists often kept government honest. But all that has now become a global laughingstock: ridiculously wrong about “Russian collusion,” predictably partisan about “Russian disinformation” and Hunter Biden’s laptop, egging on Alvin Bragg’s pathetic indictment of candidate and former president Trump, and giddy when an ex-president’s home is raided by FBI, or he is tried as a private citizen by a partisan Senate.
What remedies are Americans preparing, as they totter on the abyss of disasters comparable to the U.S. Civil War, Great Depression, World War II, or 1960s-style cultural madness?
… apparently, we believe their remedies are worse than the original maladies. And so we fixate only on the irrelevant that we think we can address while ignoring the existential we know we no longer can solve.
America’s Self-Inflicted Wounds
America suffers the sins of omission, offers VDH.
(America) is now “squabbling over the nonessential—and commission-losing wars, going broke, ruining its economy, flirting with civil war.
We know these are all self-inflicted wounds.
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