President Joe Biden prepares remarks regarding the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack and resumption of operations, Thursday, May 13, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
Biden’s executive orders cascade like the output from a popcorn machine, writes Daniel Henninger in the WSJ.
On 25 June, Joe Biden issued an order to:
“advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in the federal workforce.”
Meaning, as Henninger notes, the DEIA will enter every nook they can find in American life.
A phrase like “diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility” is what’s known as a political narrative—a brief, repeatable description of political goals whose implicit message is: Who could be against this? It is not an overstatement to say the future of the world will rise and fall on whether these pablum-like narratives can be turned into hard policy.
Equity, the Battle of Our Time
“Save the planet” was one of the most successful. Rising alongside is DEI (“accessibility” is a Bidenized addition). Set aside the D- and I-words. The battle of our time is over the E-word—equity.
Unlike diversity and inclusion, both unmeasurable sentiments, equity is an economic concept. It posits that some have more economic wealth, and some have less. The “some” may be individuals or nations. Equity’s goal is to impose policies by fiat intended to close “disparities.”
The power of the equity narrative is that it can be applied to anything, insofar as most of life can be divided between more and less. Such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
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