In, Pat Buchanan suggests “Joe Biden’s inaugural was the most confusing, contradictory and incoherent ever delivered from the steps of the Capitol.” He writes (abridged):
“Today, on this January day,” said Biden, “my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation. I ask every American to join me in this cause.”
He then enumerated the characteristics of our enemy: “Anger, resentment and hatred. Extremism, violence and lawlessness.”
Yet, on inauguration night, antifa mobs attacked the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland and torched American flags in Seattle, the same kind of left-wing mobs that gave us a long hot summer of rioting, looting and arson after the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd.
Joe Biden’s inaugural was the most confusing, contradictory and incoherent ever delivered from the steps of the Capitol, reflective of the mind of its author and the state of the Union he now leads.
By Patrick J. Buchanan, January 22, 2021
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