A strong core is important to a healthy and safe life, especially as you age. Here, Harvard Medical School discusses what you can do to maintain a strong core:
Strengthening your core muscles. It’s one of the best ways to ensure you stay active and independent as you age. That’s because your core muscles are critical for nearly every move you make, from bending and reaching to twisting and standing.
Now, in a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School, our experts show you the safest, most effective ways for everyone over 50 to reap the benefits of a strong core—without the risk of injury.
Send for this report now and discover:
- How to lower your risk of falling — no matter what your age!
- Exercises that can help end the embarrassment of incontinence.
- Physical rehab trick that helps prevent injuries.
- Secret to loosening up stiff muscles.
- And so much more.
You’ll discover why core strength and flexibility are so important to your health. You’ll get 28 exercises that gently work your core — including an office workout and a home workout section that gives you two levels for each move to help keep your workout challenging. Photos of every exercise show you exactly how to do each move. Plus, tips and techniques give you pointers for making each move easier, and help ensure you’re doing them correctly with great form.
Read more here.
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