How does “redistributive justice” sound to you? The term is applied to a judicial philosophy that allows courts to appropriate tax dollars to hand them out to plaintiffs in federal court cases. In other words, judges are “spreading the wealth around,” as President Barrack Obama likes to say.
The president shares the philosophy of “redistributive justice” with Goodwin Liu, a recent nomination from Mr. Obama for placement on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Any constitutional credential Mr. Obama had left was torn away by this nomination, the second one for Mr. Liu. The Senate wholeheartedly passed on Mr. Liu the last time the president nominated him and that was with an overwhelming majority of Democrats. His second nomination should go the same way.
America needs a new president in 2012. The next term will likely see the nomination and confirmation of at least one more Supreme Court justice, and, without a true conservative at the wheel, America will be gifted a radical liberal on the bench by President Obama. The court has already done enough damage to the country, allowing the torturing of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause to create a massive expansion of the federal government. For an expert guide to just how the country got here vis a vis the Supreme Court, read The Dirty Dozen by Cato Institute Chairman Bob Levy and Institute for Justice President William “Chip” Mellor. There is no better guide to the history of constitutional overreach by the court.
So in 2012, the GOP (it’s doubtful that any third party candidate will be able to assemble the needed organization structure to dethrone the ugly two party system of today) must put up the best candidate possible. The Internet makes the old process of electioneering almost defunct. Dark horses and long shots will have equal access to voters, with time to explain their positions outside the limitations of the silly television debates, which have become akin to a circus sideshow.
Even political outsiders are being given a shot. Donald Trump is being rumored as a potential candidate, and radio talk show host Herman Cain has shown some serious potential with strong straw poll results and excellent speeches delivered at venues like CPAC. The Old Boy network is being dismantled by the information hungry members of the Tea Party movement.
For clear evidence of Tea Party power, take a look at the final victory of the GOP in Wisconsin last night. After giving their Democratic counterparts more than enough time to act out their political temper tantrums, GOP senators acted to remove certain appropriations language in the controversial bill that ended public unions’ collective bargaining rights. Without the appropriations language, the Wisconsin senate could vote on the remaining pieces of the bill without Democrats in the room. They did, and soon Tea Party-elected governor Scott Walker will be able to sign the bill.
While the mainstream media and the Democratic propaganda machine will play the vote off as the “rich” Republicans against the “poor, downtrodden” union members whose only interest is “public service,” the reality is that the bill will help right a sinking ship. Wisconsin is near broke, and desperate times call for desperate measures.
So while the Obama administration attempts to foster “redistributive justice,” the Tea Party around the country is seeking redistribution of another kind. The Tea Party wants to redistribute tax dollars back to their rightful owners and put an end to the cozy relationship between big union bosses and Democrats in statehouses across the nation. The best way to do that is by seeking Right to Work in each state and fighting for a National Right to Work Act at the federal level. Forcing Americans to join a union is just wrong.