The American Conservative’s Daniel Larison explains to readers:
Trump can and does run very strongly in blue state primaries. (A new poll out today shows Trump with a large lead in Michigan. That makes sense since the profile of blue state Republican voters matches up fairly well with many Trump supporters in that they tend to be more moderate ideologically and less religious. It also suggests that Trump’s ceiling is not necessarily as low or as hard as anti-Trump Republicans have hoped for. Finally, it tells us that blue-state primaries won’t be where Trump can most easily be stopped, and they are unlikely to save the day for Rubio.
Trump is already occupying most of the political space that the relative moderate front-runner normally fills. He receives support from all ideological groups in the GOP, but tends to do best with moderate and “somewhat” conservative voters.
In conclusion, Larison tells readers, “By the time most of the blue state primaries come around in April and May, he may have fewer opponents but can expect much broader support than he did in earlier races.”
VIDEO: Donald Trump talks New York Values
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