As Robert Stacy McCain writes at The American Spectator, the massive gains by House Republicans have not yet been comprehended by most Americans. Today, the GOP holds its largest majority since 1949.
The massive margin of victory is a mandate for smaller government, a repeal of Obamacare, and serious spending and tax cuts that enable U.S. businesses to compete against their competitors worldwide.
In two years, look for the Tea Party to take over the Senate. RINOs like Olympia Snowe should be on full alert because their liberal voting records are under the microscope starting now.
Democrats are making a huge mistake by keeping Nancy Pelosi in power in the House. Ditching Pelosi was part of what drove so many to vote Republican, and having her leading he party two years from now will only hurt Democrats worse. Today the Boston Globe reports that Pelosi’s favorability rating among independents is a miniscule 8%! How can Democrats believe keeping her on is a good idea? They should have nominated and elected a centrist Democrat who might actually appeal to this center-right country.
Conservatives, now in power, must be wary of the neocon influence in the GOP. The Rove/Bolton/Cheney influence is powerful and will be exerted swiftly on the on those GOP congressmen and senators that aren’t prepared to stand up for their own principles, or who have none.
A great test of whether or not a GOP congressman has come to fight will be the vote to raise the country’s debt limit. A vote for the increase in the limit is a vote for business as usual. Those Tea Party candidates that fail the test here should look for new jobs in two years time.
To mobilize Tea Party Americans, Republicans should look to put forward new leadership. The failure to elect Michelle Bachmann to a leadership position may be a bad start for House Republicans. Bachmann is a vocal Tea Party leader who created a lot of attention and support for the Tea Party, she should have been included.
The most important leadership position for Republicans will be the presidential nomination for 2012. That position should go to someone aligned with the Tea Party, not the Bush administration policies of nation building and domestic spending overreach.
Patrick Henry famously refused to attend the Constitutional Convention because, he said, “I smell a rat.” America needs a Patrick Henry today. A radical dissenter who has no time for the big government, special interest serving motives of most politicians.
FreedomWorks, along with Glenn Beck and the Koch-brother-founded Cato Institute are battling the big government impulse every day. Dick Armey, chairman of FreedomWorks has written an excellent book along with FreedomWorks president, the very intelligent Matt Kibbe. The book is Give Us Liberty, a Tea Party Manifesto. I urge you to buy the book, and join the revolution.
Cato, FreedomWorks and other freedom fighting organizations like Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty and the Institute for Justice and Federalist Society are fighting every day for Americans’ freedoms. They are fighting the George Soros funded groups like Center for American Progress (what a nice sounding name right?) and ACORN. I urge you to support these freedom fighting organizations.
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