Commentary by Dick Young on Worse Than Carter by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator
Americans have elected the most inexperienced president in history with Barack H. Obama. Whether one is for or against the building of a mosque two blocks from the World Trade Center, the inexperience of the president bubbled up when he decided to jump right into the middle of the controversy. The same inexperience showed when the president involved himself in the arrest of Henry Gates by a Cambridge police officer. In these instances it seems as though the President feels there is only one obvious answer to any problem, his. He seems to feel that debate and discourse are unnecessary and that he and his elite brethren obviously know best. And he seems to feel that because he was elected president, no one should be second-guessing his opinions on matters. Remember the “health care summit?” The president coolly knocked aside any discourse about how the proceedings would be run by saying simply that he would get his way because “I’m the president,” as though the president were an omnipotent monarch.
Commentary by Dick Young on Free Cities by Newt Gingrich, National Review
Newt Gingrich says of his Free Cities idea that “The Free Cities concept is simple, inexpensive, and revolutionary.” Revolutionary, absolutely. Simple, maybe. Inexpensive, doubtful. Newt wants the U.S. to make agreements with foreign nations to place Hong Kong style enclaves in their backyards to foster freedom. I doubt many autocrats want bastions of freedom in their backyards luring their best and brightest. Also, the idea of the U.S. opening up little cities all around the world sounds a lot like imperialism, which Newt’s friends in the neocon camp might appreciate, but I doubt many Americans want to participate. The focus of every American should be on making America the most free it can be. It is hard enough to do that.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Brokers, Critics Spar Over ‘Fiduciary’ Rule by Jessica Holzer and Fawn Johnson, The Wall Street Journal
Did you know the Dodd-Frank law allows the SEC to set a tougher fiduciary standard on brokers? That’s right, it does. And, according to a Rand study, most investors don’t even know there’s a difference between the standard in how brokers and investment advisors operate. Currently, brokers are allowed to operate under a less strict suitability standard while investment advisors are held to a higher fiduciary standard. The SEC is accepting public comment letters until August 30. Is it any surprise it has received several hundred letters from insurance agents and others voicing their opposition to a fiduciary standard? If the SEC really wants to protect small investors, brokers should operate under the same fiduciary standard as investment advisors and not some watered down version created just for them.
Commentary by Deborah Young on A U-Turn on the Road to Serfdom by Grover Norquist, National Review
Americans spend more and more of their time every year working to pay off the debts of their governments, both federal and local. Norquist and his team at Americans for Tax Reform do a great job in totaling up just how much of your life you are giving to government.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Establishment Fails Again: Rand Paul Maintains Lead Over Conway by Paul Joseph Watson,
His competitors told a ridiculous lie about Rand Paul and the media, before doing any fact checking whatsoever, ran with the story. Does anyone actually think that Rand Paul kidnapped a woman and forced her to do drugs? The media response to this lie was shameful.
Commentary by Dick Young on Western Economies Face Hyperinflation: Gold Bull by Antonia Oprita,
With the Federal Reserve pumping out new high powered money, inflation is sure to follow.
Commentary by Dick Young on Obama a Muslim? Rumors Gain Steam, Defying Facts by Hillel Italie, Yahoo! News
Why do Americans think President Obama is a Muslim when he spent the last 20 years listening to the radical reverend Jeremiah Wright at a “Christian” church in Chicago?
Commentary by Dick Young on Paul Krugman, Comic Genius by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator
Economist and New York Times editorialist Paul Krugman’s all out war against Congressman Paul Ryan is interesting to watch. Ryan has come up with real solutions to the nation’s fiscal nightmare, and Krugman is doing his best to tear Ryan down. The left is desperately trying discredit Ryan to make sure Americans don’t hear that there are other ways to fix this economy than printing money, and borrowing more of it from China.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Patty Murray in Trouble by Liz Mair, The American Spectator
Citizens of Washington have the opportunity to oust the pork-barreling Patty Murray this year. Dino Rossi the GOP candidate is coming on strong in the polls and Murray is facing her first real electoral challenge since she assumed office. Murray is a leader in the Democratic ranks and her ouster would be hard on Democrats.
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