Remember the phrase: We’re All in This Together? Well not exactly, argues Peter D’Abrosca in American Greatness.
The Branch Covidians, like most cults, allow their high-profile members to have special privileges, which is why John Kerry doesn’t have to wear his mask on an airplane like the rest of the cult. Ordinary Branch Covidians won’t question this obvious double standard. They will do what they do best. Comply.
Zero Scientific Evidence
The whole “six feet for social distancing” guidelines were fabricated out of thin air, the author continues.
You know, that guideline that every single business, school, place of worship, or other indoor structure in the entire country that managed to remain open during the pandemic annoyingly forced its occupants to uphold? Indeed, “six feet for social distancing” was one of the four pillars of the Branch Covidians, alongside lockdowns, mask mandates, and scrubbing your hands until your skin falls off.
Mr. D’Abrosca also has a remedy for fighting this cultish behavior:
Have a get-together at your home. Visit your mother in the nursing home. Take the mask off in the grocery store and laugh at the Branch Covidians who try to harass you.
The Branch Covidians can glue their plastic masks to their faces and weld themselves inside their own homes for the rest of their unnatural lives, for all I care. We’re probably better off without them anyway.
But the next time one of these crazed lunatics gives you a hard time, let him know tha
t you’re not required to participate in their cult rituals, and carry on about your day.
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