Commentary by Dick Young on The Twister of 2010 by Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal
The president is already trying to place the blame for the Democratic disaster of 2010 on the “hippie” segment of the party. But the Left, like it or not, has its own set of principles. They’re whacky, and not very logical, and usually ruled by emotion rather than logic. The president, for all his professed “liberalism” has pretty much abandoned the far left, taking more of a technocratic power consolidation strategy than a peace, love and happiness strategy. Barack Obama wants power. Power for him and for his backers like George Soros. The first thing the Obama administration did upon entering office was to begin breaking every promise it had made to its liberal base by leaving Git-mo open, to this day. The president can’t complain that the Left has abandoned him. In actuality he has abandoned them to focus on a socialist agenda of generating bigger government. It would seem that the unions, and not the hippie-liberals have much more influence in this Chicago politician’s office.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Federal Agency Flexible On McDonald’s Plan by Janet Adamy, The Wall Street Journal
Here we go. Just as the unintended consequences of Obamacare begin to surface, the government is stepping in to lend a helping hand. McDonald’s is only the beginning, as more and more companies will soon discover their own problems with Obamacare. Will the government be there for you too? Don’t count on it. Repeal is the only answer.
Commentary by Timothy Jones
Yesterday the Cook Political Report moved West Virginia’s Senate race into the Toss Up column. That adds another major battlefront to the effort by the GOP to control the Senate. Cook now rates 13 Senate races as toss ups, with only four of them being held by GOP incumbents. Add to that another three Democratic seats that are expected to turn for the GOP and there is the major possibility of a massive GOP takeover of the upper chamber. Anyone still doubting the chances of a GOP controlled Senate next year is dreaming. The vitriol that has been spit at Christine O’Donnell for “ruining the GOP’s chance to take the Senate,” needs to be dialed back. There are many combinations of races that could unlock the Senate for the GOP today, many of them not involving Delaware at all. Conservatives should focus on new battlegrounds like Washington, West Virginia, Connecticut, and Wisconsin. At the start of the election cycle none of these states were thought to be in play. Today they’re all toss-ups.
Commentary by E.J. Smith
You get a good feel for someone’s character when the going gets tough. Isn’t it interesting how President Obama is lashing out against conservative groups for having harmless sounding names while running millions of dollars against Democratic candidates? Could it be that Americans have had enough of his radical agenda? Selective memory is a funny thing. Let’s not forget who helped get the President elected. Namely George Soros and the liberal groups he supports such as:, Democracy Alliance, Tides Foundation, and the Center for American Progress. I don’t remember the President having a problem with them.
Commentary by Dick Young on Tea Party vs. War Party? by Pat Buchanan, Human Events
I have been telling you for a long time that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were a mistake. American operations in Afghanistan were necessary to be sure, but should have been limited to targeting al Qaeda, not expanded into a national building fiasco. As for Iraq, a major waste of taxpayer money brought about by the extremist neocons influencing the Bush White House. Pat Buchanan brings up the point that after the November elections, the GOP will have to get down to brass tacks and determine if it is the War Party or the Tea Party. Any path to balancing the budget will absolutely include reductions to the defense budget. These should not be reductions in weapons technology or man power, but a pull back from the many theaters of the world for American troops. Germany, Korea, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan. In almost every theater America has fought a war in since WWII there is a massive sustained presence of American military power. This is the empire. When America is suffering from an invasion of illegal immigrants and gang violence right across its border, doesn’t anyone think these troops should be brought home and placed on the Southern border? I do.
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