Commentary by Dick Young
Obama administration appointments and deaths of senators have opened up numerous seats in the Senate that are waiting for full-time elected senators. The death of Robert Byrd in West Virginia, the appointments of Vice President Joe Biden, education secretary Arne Duncan, and the election from Illinois of Barack Obama himself have opened up Senate seats. Most of these will be filled as soon as elections are held, so the winners would join the Senate for its lame-duck session at the end of the year, not in January like most candidates.
To prevent the Democratic majority from enacting terrible legislation during its lame-duck session, like cap and trade, a value added tax, or ending the Bush tax cuts, voters can choose conservatives in the elections in these states. In the case of Illinois, voters can choose Mark Kirk, though no one should confuse him as a conservative. Kirk has devoted himself to stopping a lame duck session of the Senate from enacting such legislative nightmares, so maybe there is hope for Kirk yet, but don’t count on it.
One candidate conservatives should be thinking about supporting is John Raese from West Virginia. Raese, like Kirk or O’Donnell in Delaware, would be a pickup in a state that has long elected Democrats. An extra conservative GOP vote in the Senate may be just enough to end the threat of a catastrophic lame-duck session.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on The Send Jobs Overseas Act by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
This week Congress will debate tax increases. That’s right increases – not cuts. Led by President Obama, the Democrats want to increase the taxes U.S. companies pay on profits earned abroad and brought back home. Compared to corporate tax policy in other countries U.S. corporations pay about twice the average rate. Mr. Obama incorrectly claims our “generous” tax breaks create jobs and profits in other countries. If he had any business experience he would understand that our high corporate tax rate provides the incentive for U.S. companies to keep profits abroad rather than face more taxes at home. And what Mr. Obama once again fails to see is that incentives matter. In this day and age where money has never been more mobile, it will go to countries where it’s well treated. Just ask Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. He’s ready to move more jobs overseas if the President’s tax increases are enacted.
Commentary by Dick Young on DoJ Slumbers As Dead Voters Head to the Polls by Deroy Murdock, Human Events
The Eric Holder led Justice Department is allegedly actively ignoring potential voter fraud. America has been aware of the Justice Department’s refusal to fully prosecute the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation, but it appears now that the DoJ would gladly allow as many dead voters to remain on the rolls as possible.
Commentary by Dick Young on ACORN Spinoff Smacked Down by HUD Inspector General by Connie Hair, Human Events
Even after a punishing national embarrassment, the folks over at ACORN are still up to their dirty tricks.
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