The defunding Obamacare mission continues in full force despite what you read in the controlled media. No American understands the defund Obamacare issue better than does Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon. Here is the real story of the continuing effort. The states hold the key.
What’s clear is that the recriminations are unwisely distracting ObamaCare opponents from adding momentum to strategies that are already defunding the law. Here are four things opponents would be better off doing than fighting among themselves:
1. Stop Medicaid expansion in the states.
As envisioned by the ObamaCare’s authors, the Medicaid expansion would account for roughly half of the law’s $2 trillion of new entitlement spending over the first 10 years. After the Supreme Court blocked Congress’ attempt to coerce states into implementing it, however, 25 states refused to do so.
As a result, those states have already defunded almost a quarter of ObamaCare’s new entitlement spending. They are also helping to increase dissatisfaction with the law among hospitals and other providers, who now won’t be receiving the subsidies they were promised in return for their support.
If Cruz, Lee, FreedomWorks, Heritage Action, Club for Growth and the rest really want to defund ObamaCare, they should be fighting to block the Medicaid expansion in the 25 states that have already authorized it. Wanna squash Republicans who are soft on ObamaCare? Come visit Ohio, where Gov. John Kasich (R) has all but claimed that God wants Ohio to expand Medicaid, and is literally trying to do it without the support, and over the objections, of the legislature.
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