Six Days left to Keep the Pressure on – E.J. Smith
1. Bill Clinton is keeping the pressure on Republicans. “If we want it bad enough to go out there and work for it, I think we’ll get it,” Clinton said. “This is the largest number of close races I’ve ever seen across America. I’ve never seen it like this.” Don’t let up now.
2. President Obama’s approval rating is at a new low of 37% just 6 days from Tuesday.
3. Progressives will continue pushing a radical agenda after Nov. 2. Obama said on the Rev. Al Sharpton’s radio show: “My name may not be on the ballot, but our agenda for moving forward is on the ballot, and I need everybody to turn out”.
4. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell telling the National Journal, “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’ response, “maybe Senator McConnell is interested in running for President.” Do you need that type of response coming from the White House?
5. Apparently Harry Reid has been offering free food while some Democratic allies such as teachers’ unions are offering gift cards to help turn out the vote.
6.Why aren’t President Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder speaking up about the missing voter absentee ballots from our troops who are fighting for our country? This is a travesty.
Six Days Left – Dick Young
With a scant six days before elections Americans across the country are starting to make their final decisions on who they will vote for. Make sure you take a look at your local ballot and familiarize yourself with the candidates and ballot initiatives that you’ll be voting on.
Down at the bottom of the ballot is where a lot of the trouble happens. States, counties and towns ask their constituents for permission to borrow money. Many times voters will skip right over the ballot initiatives, make sure you don’t. Politicians love nothing more than borrowing money through referendum. The purpose for the borrowed money always sounds good, but ask yourself if your municipality might not be able to find these funds somewhere else.
As the final days count down, Democrats are throwing everything they have at conservatives across the country. The liberal democrats are arguing that conservatives would privatize social security. They make that seem like a bad thing. William Shipman and Peter Ferrara blow that theory to pieces in today’s Wall Street Journal writing:
Suppose a senior citizen—let’s call him “Joe the Plumber”—who retired at the end of 2009, at age 66, had been able to set up a personal account when he entered the work force in 1965, at the age of 21. Suppose that, paying into his personal account what he and his employer would have paid into Social Security, Joe was foolish enough to invest his entire portfolio in the stock market for all 45 years of his working career. How would he have fared in the recent financial crisis?
While working, Joe had earned the average income for full-time male workers. His wife Mary, also age 66, had earned the average income for full-time female workers. They invested together in an indexed portfolio of 90% large-cap stocks and 10% small-cap stocks, which earned the returns reported each year since 1965.
By the time of their retirement in 2009, Joe and Mary would have accumulated account funds, after administrative costs, of $855,175. Indeed, they would have been millionaires a few years earlier, but the financial crisis lost them 37% in 2008. They were unfortunate to retire just one year after the worst 10-year stock market performance since 1926. Yet their account, having earned a 6.75% return annually from 1965 to 2009, would still pay them about 75% more than Social Security would have.
Americans are on to the Democrats. After years of poor performance in states like New York, New Jersey, California, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts voters have had enough. Chris Christie and Scott Brown were the canaries in the coal mine for the movement that is sweeping the nation. Common sense fiscal conservatives are much preferable to quasi-socialist Democrats seeking to transfer your wealth to their favored constituencies any day.
Even Barney Frank, the crustiest barnacle of all in the House is feeling the heat. Sean Bielat is giving Frank the race of his life. Frank is so desperate that he has even been using the Social Security fear tactic to attack Bielat. Daniel Foster writes in National Review:
If Frank is showing voters the goody-bag of federal spending he’s delivered to his district, Bielat is showing them the bill. At a candidates’ forum at the Newtonville Senior Center, Frank drops in to attack Bielat for proposing to raise the retirement age for Social Security then promptly excuses himself, hovering in the back of the room for a few minutes, Styrofoam cup of coffee in hand, to listen to Bielat’s even, measured reply. Forget his years in the Marine Corps, uncommon valor is Bielat telling a room full of Massachusetts seniors that the only solution to inevitable Social Security insolvency is a combination of privatization, means-testing, and a higher retirement age.
Democrats are offering all the same big government, big spending ideas that have put America against the ropes. That’s why conservatives are leading across the country. Conservative candidates are expected to easily pick up seats in North Dakota and Arkansas that were, until this year, assumed to be safe strongholds for Democrats. Harry Reid is on the run in Nevada, facing conservative Sharron Angle there, and Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey is leading his liberal opponent and Jobsgate participant, Joe Sestak.
Make sure you get out and vote.
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