Rubio in Florida Lead
In all the talk about Christine O’Donnell’s win in Delaware, another Tea Party patriot’s recent strength was somewhat ignored. A recent Rasmussen poll shows that Marco Rubio is leading Charlie Crist and Kendrick Meek in Florida senatorial polling at 41% to 30% and 23% respectively. Conservatives are not leaving the young Rubio to join up with Crist, and it is apparent that Rubio is also garnering a strong proportion of the independent vote at 27%.
Young Guns, Contract of 2010
In their new book, Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy argue for taking spending back to 2008 levels. That’s a start, but it can’t be the only cut. The U.S. was in deficit in 2008, and was earning more tax revenue too. Without more major cuts in spending, the U.S. will continue on a path of fiscal ruin.
Commentary by Dick Young on Kabul Protest Turns Deadly by Maria Abi-Habib, The Wall Street Journal
With Afghans protesting the U.S. after America has given them so much aid, protection and freedom, what makes anyone in the administration think that the war is winnable in any clear sense of the word? The American military is doing a great job of taking out al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan, but building a nation in Afghanistan could take generations.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on It’s the Spending, Stupid by Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
Here, Mr. Henninger points you to a Rasmussen poll taken last week where over two-thirds of its respondents desire a smaller government, lower taxes and fewer services. And he is right, as he most often is, that Americans are furious about what is going on in Washington. Yes, it’s the “Spending” and I say yes, “It’s the Constitution Stupid.” Yet, President Obama seems to believe we need more spending with more of your money. No thank you. We’ve had enough.
Commentary by Dick Young on U.S. Meat Farmers Brace for Limits on Antibiotics by Erick Eckholm, The New York Times
Would you feed your children antibiotics month after month without them already being sick? I’m sure you said no, and neither would I. Farmers using antibiotics to allow their livestock to live in unnatural conditions ought to rethink things a bit. If pigs and cattle can’t live crammed into barns like sardines naturally, why would anyone want to eat animals that were treated like that?
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