Tea Party Rolls into Arizona – Human Events
J.D. Hayworth is running for the U.S. senate in Arizona against John McCain. J.D. is running on a strong “No Amnesty” platform and is rapidly closing the gap on the fading McCain. McCain is apparently willing to back Obama in any form of amnesty and is also a supporter of Charlie Crist against Marco Rubio in the Florida Senate race. I support both J.D. Hayworth and Marco Rubio against McCain and Crist. – Dick Young
REPEAL – The Weekly Standard
The Radical Progressive Movement (RPM) continues to be intent on a move to the public option, which would end the risk-based insurance industry. In order to gain 60 Senate votes, Democrats were forced to temporarily stand aside from the public-option push. This will prove temporary. Mr. Levin is correct in concluding that Obamacare is the most prominent emblem of that larger trend. Its repeal must be at the center of the conservative case to voters in the coming two election cycles. – Dick Young
The Rich Can’t Pay for ObamaCare – The Wall Street Journal
You work all your life and take the risk necessary to succeed with a small business. Now Barack Obama intends to slap you in the face as thanks. The absurd proposition is to tax you at a 3.8% rate on any retirement interest, dividends, rental income, and capital gains on your earnings above $200,000. This punitive success tax will be layered on above your new higher federal top tax bracket of near 40% of your state tax burden, which in many states, such as California and New York, is already confiscatory. A wave of wealthy, successful Americans will vote with their feet and move offshore to any one of a number of countries only too happy to welcome the successful and wealthy. Such Americans did not become wealthy by lacking ingenuity, intiative, or an appetite for risk. They know full well that the stench of Marxism is in the air, and action is sure to follow. – Dick Young
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