Today, think about what the United States has actually gained from its NATO alliances. If you sum up the amount of blood, money, and time the U.S. has given its allies, and then sum up what the U.S. has gotten back, I don’t think the two numbers will look at all alike. I propose the U.S. begin leaving its NATO alliances and focus on protecting its own borders by bringing American troops home from places like the many U.S. bases in Germany. This war-time posture that America hasn’t abandoned since WWII is not sustainable, nor warranted.
America needs to reform social security. The U.S. government controlled pension system is broken, badly. Congress has raided the coffers of the program, more people are eligible than were ever intended to be, and Americans are living a lot longer than they were when the plan was set up. The simple solutions are to push back the age at which people can receive benefits, and not enrolling any new people into the system.
Gingrich Tells How to Stop Obama’s ‘Secular-Socialist Machine’ – Donald Lambro, Human Events
Newt Gingrich’s new book, To Save America: Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine, is full of good ideas, but unfortunately a number of the best of them will never be touched by a politician in office. – Dick Young
Senate Storm Warning – Tony Blankley, National Review
Mr. Blankley hits the nail on the head when he writes “Today, liberal presidents attempt to use their appointments with the intent to systematically undermine — not uphold — the Constitution. And they do so because their vision of an ever more statist America is inconsistent with the Constitution’s fundamental purpose: to limit the size and scope of government.” That’s why no matter what level of decorum has been offered this president and the others before him, the conservatives and constitutionalists in the Senate should absolutely block the appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Kagan is unfit for a lifetime appointment to the court. A filibuster is a must, not a maybe. Any senator that votes to confirm Kagan will feel the wrath of the TEA Party for sure. She is, without question, one of the worst nominees for the bench in my lifetime. The nomination of a liberal activist will only make Barack Obama more of a piñata in the 2010 election cycle. Anyone supporting him will likely get beat up too at the polls. – Dick Young
Democratic Rift Stalls Financial Overhaul – Greg Hitt And Damian Paletta, The Wall Street Journal
Harry Reid is hyping an arbitrary deadline that he made up to try to push through a piece of horrible legislation. Does this sound familiar? It’s the same thing Reid did to force Obamacare through the Senate, and now he’s doing it with financial reform. What’s the rush Harry? The rush is that Harry doesn’t want anyone to actually look at what’s in the bill, and the more time it stays on the senate floor, the more exposure its horrible provisions get. Unlike Obamacare though, some Democrats have stepped up to stop the bill from moving forward until it is given more attention. – Dick Young
The Party of Debt – Gary Andres, Weekly Standard
Democrats are borrowing money at national emergency levels. But the only emergency is the level of debt the country has racked up. The health care bill is now projected to cost tax payers over $100 billion. That’s a big difference compared to the Obama administration promise that it would be “deficit neutral.” – Dick Young
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