Vladimir Putin took to the floor of the U.N. for an address on a U.S. foreign policy that, as Pat Buchanan notes, “has produced a series of disasters in the Middle East that we did not need the Russian leader to describe for us.”
From Putin: “An aggressive foreign interference has resulted in a brazen destruction of national institutions… Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster.”
Mr. Buchanan asks,
Is Putin wrong in his depiction of what happened to the Middle East after we plunged in? Or does his summary of what American interventions have wrought echo the warnings made against them for years by American dissenters?”
Perhaps it is time to climb down off our ideological high horse and start respecting the vital interests of other sovereign nations, even as we protect and defend our own.
Putin and Pat make good sense, but underlying the common sense laid out here by both P & P is the magnetic pull of one Alexander Dugin, the bee in Putin’s war bonnet, targeting the U.S. and the West as Russia’s supreme enemy.
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