Illegal Aliens: Law and Sovereignty in Arizona – Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review
When laws become so ridiculously long and complicated that the common man can’t understand them without going to law school, they have failed those under them. James Madison wrote that government cannot be legitimate if “the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes, that no man who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow.” The Radical Progressive Movement, headed by Barack Obama, is considering a court challenge to the new law in Arizona. Should the federal government be siding with illegal aliens over citizens? The Obama administration doesn’t have the time to deal with immigration while the country’s economy is still running on fumes. As Mr. McCarthy observes, “A government that abdicates our national defense against outside forces is no longer a government worth having.” – Dick Young
Sen. Sessions Warns Obama on Supreme Court Pick – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
Senator Jeff Sessions said of President Obama, “I think the American people are coming to recognize that the President sees the Constitution as an inconvenience … a handicap to achieving the agenda that he has.” I couldn’t agree more. The Radical Progressive Movement is using every tool it can to circumvent the Constitution and will work hard to place a progressive justice on the Supreme Court to fill the seat soon to be vacated by uber-progressive John Paul Stevens. The “intellectuals” in the Ivy League law school set are advocating personal views over the law. Senator Sessions believes that the president, himself an Ivy League law-schooler, falls into this category. Judges have no right to interpret the law any other way than it is written. Judges are entrusted by the people with authority to carry out the law, not bend it to their view of right, wrong, or otherwise. The GOP and conservatives in the Senate should do everything possible to prevent another progressive justice from being appointed to the court. Sonya Sotomayor should never have been permitted to receive confirmation from the Senate. – Dick Young
Amnesty as Contentious as Healthcare Bill, Says Rep. Poe – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
Congressman Ted Poe of Texas has called for more National Guard troops to be stationed on the border to protect Americans from the increasing levels of violence surrounding the cross-border drug trade. “We protect the border of foreign countries, Third World countries better than we do our own,” Poe said. Texas governor Rick Perry has requested 1,000 National Guard troops to guard the border between Texas and Mexico, but has received no response from the Obama administration. – Dick Young
Voters Do Not Want the VAT – Matt Hadro, Human Events
If the frightening possibility of a value-added tax (VAT) isn’t front and center for every small business owner right now, it’s a shame. A VAT would cripple many small businesses and take a chunk of profits at every level of production and divert them to the overgrown bureaucracies in Washington. No one in Washington can even begin to use the funds as well or as productively as America’s small business owners. The president’s economic team have a mere 3.5 years of private sector experience among them. Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner even admitted that he “has never had a real job.” These cronies should be controlling fewer of Americans’ dollars, not more of them. The “deficit reduction” panel that is going on in Washington right now will almost surely produce calls for higher taxes, and not less spending, to reduce the deficit. When it does, President Obama and the Democratic leaders in Congress will shrug their shoulders and act as though they didn’t want the outcome, but are implementing higher taxes for the good of the country. – Timothy Jones
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