Majority of Americans Lack Faith in Obama: Poll – JoAnne Allen, Reuters
The only surprising part of this poll is how long it has taken Americans to realize that President Obama is completely unqualified for his position. After being shuffled through his campaign and into power by the George Soros backed Center for American Progress and the Andy Stern led SEIU, Obama has hit the reality that he is actually president of the United States of America and will have to deal with all its people, not just the 30% who claim to be progressives. – Dick Young
The Uncertainty Principle – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The uncertainty created by the Dodd-Frank bill now aiming to regulate the financial industry is not limited just to what the bill itself authorizes/outlaws, but will be carried on in multiple agencies creating rules for their particular domains of justice. The SEC, CFTC, OCC, Treasury, and numerous other government agencies will generate thousands of pages of new regulations that businesses will be parsing through for years to come. The Obama administration isn’t guiding business out of this recession, it is driving them mad with new regulations and a level of uncertainty that is paralyzing their decision making, and the economy right along with it. – Dick Young
Notable & Quotable – John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
A study has been conducted by Minnesota Majority has concluded that the recent senatorial election in Minnesota between Norm Coleman and Al Franken could have been decided by convicted felons. More felons were allowed to vote than the margin between the two. Perhaps these were some of the votes produced from the back seat of a car somewhere, days after the polling had stopped. – Timothy Jones
Senate Should Reject Dodd-Frank Financial Bailout – Human Events
The Dodd-Frank bill is essentially a bailout bill. It preplans the bailouts of large businesses if they threaten the financial stability of the country. In other words, any business with a serious lobbying office that can convince one or two senators to save it will be bailed out by the government, i.e. your tax dollars. This isn’t so much new regulation as it is a gift to the worst businesses in America. – Dick Young
Senate Judiciary GOPers Want Kagan Answers on Obamacare Recusal – Connie Hair, Human Events
A group of GOP senators has asked Elena Kagan for more information about whether or not she would recuse herself from a major lawsuit opposing Obamacare if it were to come to the Supreme Court. Among those senators is Lindsey Graham. The fact that Graham is still asking questions is either totally bogus, in that he seems to have already made up his mind to vote for Kagan’s confirmation, or perhaps he is seeing the light and will oppose Kagan if she gives a poor answer. Graham should certainly be seen as the weakest link among GOP senators regarding Kagan’s nomination. – Timothy Jones
Obama Administration Launches Propaganda Health Care Website – Julie Borowski,
The White House using government funds to pump up the Obama regime’s policies before the November election is not surprising. The new health care web site created by the administration is just one piece of its campaign to make Americans forget how bad Obamacare actually is before heading to the polls. The website fails to mention the taxes that will be raised or the poor quality medical care that will be offered to those forced onto the Medicaid rolls by the law. – Dick Young
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