Vote Hunch: Dems Aren’t Close –
CNN says that Pelosi is 12 votes short. The Web site Ace of Spades claims that today Pelosi has but 192 votes, which would make her 24 short, with 26 maybe’s left. Strong pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak says Pelosi is 16 votes short. To call Washington to register your opposition to Obamacare, dial 877-762-8762, 202-224-3121, or 202-225-3121. And click here for the NRCC’s Code Red list of targeted congressmen. – Dick Young
The Health-Care Wars Are Only Beginning – The WSJ
If Obamacare passes, sooner or later the backlash against it will form into a movement to repeal it. Obamacare wouldn’t go into effect fully until 2013. This fact alone would make the health-care plan a paramount issue in the 2012 presidential race. With a Republican in the White House, Republicans might be successful in dismantling the program. – Dick Young
Idaho to Sue Feds Over Health Care Mandate –
If the health-care overhaul forces residents of Idaho to buy health insurance, Idaho will sue. There is now similar legislation pending in 37 other states. The revolt against Obamacare is in full force. – Dick Young
Op-Ed: Health Bill Is Malpractice – Yahoo! News
Seven in ten Americans want to start over on health care. If we don’t start over, there’s going to be a rebellion. Now it’s only a matter of the form that rebellion might take. Blue Dog congressman Jason Altmire (D-PA) is one of many House members calling the process wrong. Dr. Coburn reports that a recent poll conducted by, an online community of more than 110,000 physicians, found that only one in ten physicians said Congress should push the current bill through, while nearly two-thirds of physicians said Congress should start over. – Dick Young
Final Battle against Obamacare 2.0 –
Americans by the tens of thousands are signing Dick Armey’s and FreedomWorks’ “No Health Care Reconciliation!” petition. Here’s how to sign and where to find the local offices of Democratic members of the House. An in-person visit sends the strongest message that you want no part of a federal government takeover of health care. – Dick Young
GOP Whip Estimates Democrats Still 11 Votes Short on Health Care – Human Events
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Obama team are denigrating congressman Bart Stupak’s pro-life stance. The result is increasing hesitation among wavering and undecided Democrats. – Dick Young
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