Pat Buchanan hit the nail on the head this morning when he called public sector unions “the taxpayer-subsidized armies of the Democratic Party.” That’s why the Democrats are hell bent on not allowing Governor Scott Walker to shut down the ability of Wisconsin’s unions to collectively bargain. If unionism in the public sector fails like it has in the private sector, Democrats will have to discover a new funding model, and quick.
The president is playing right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook, and fanning the flames of discontent in Wisconsin. Democrats have abandoned their posts in the state’s Senate, derelict in their duty. If you were one of the hard working businessmen who elected one of these senators, would you be very happy? Not every vote these senators received came from a public sector union worker to be sure. Every other constituent is being held hostage to the demands of the unions, it’s disrespectful and dishonest.
Anyone who doesn’t see a difference between the rights that public sector unions should have and those of their private sector counterparts is willfully ignorant. The government cannot send its jobs overseas. Private sector management is not elected by company employees. Private companies cannot compulsorily demand revenues from customers to pay employees a higher wage. For those three reasons alone there should be no collective bargaining for public employees. A National Right to Work amendment should be voted on in Congress immediately. The right to work without being forced to join a union should be enshrined in the constitution with all the other basic rights laid out by the founders. No one should be forced to pay union dues or lose their job.
The leadership coming from the White House is sad. Rather than support the duly elected governor and congressmen in the state of Wisconsin, the president has chosen to fan the flames of discontent and support the very group of people that have led the state into fiscal ruin. The president’s budget projected that he will not balance a budget until late in the decade. Apparently he doesn’t want any of the states to balance their budgets either. The Free Money Truck has stopped rolling in Wisconsin, the state is broke and Governor Walker is trying to fix it, with no help from the Obama administration expected or requested. Unfortunately the president has decided to actively work against the governor.
The combo of a terrible tax code that needs scrapping, and the power of unions have driven jobs overseas. The National Right to Work amendment would not only allow states to crawl toward fiscal soundness, but would also allow private employers the flexibility to bring jobs back to the U.S.
Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia has said that because of the state’s right to work laws, he is able to balance the budget. Another way states are grappling with budget madness is to completely refuse to implement Obamacare. Florida has refused, as have other states, and more to follow. The president’s thin resume does not contain a shred of relevant experience that would let him help the nation during this time of crisis. Instead, America is stuck with a “community organizer” that is wantonly fanning the flames of discontent in Wisconsin, when there are only two ways out for the state: make the necessary changes to balance the budget, or descend further into fiscal irresponsibility and go bankrupt.
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