The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama – Peter Ferrara, Weekly Standard
Peter Ferrara predicts that President Obama “will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012.” With more news breaking today in Jobgate, it’s hard to see how Obama can continue on. The offers to Joe Sestak look to have broken the law, and now Andrew Romanoff has provided evidence that the same type of offer was made to him. The president will also put himself in hot water by trying to raise taxes in 2011. As Ferrara notes, “When the President directly violates the pledge that got him elected by openly endorsing such a tax increase, his resignation will immediately become a central political issue.” – Dick Young
Romanoff Cracks: Secret White House Jobsgate E-Mail Revealed – Jeffrey Lord, Weekly Standard
Andrew Romanoff, a senate candidate in Colorado running against appointed incumbent Michael Bennet has provided evidence to the Denver Post that shows that Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina offered Romanoff three different paid jobs working for the White House if he would simply drop his bid for the senate and let Bennet walk. This follows closely behind the admission from the White House that an offer was made to Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania to drop his bid against Arlen Specter. If true, the White House may have committed a felony punishable by up to a year in prison. – Timothy Jones
Unpresidential Obama – Andrea Billups, Human Events
Barack Obama is not qualified to hold the position of President of the United States. His inability to control his emotions of late has proven that not only is he not immune to pressure, but that he is also unable to deal with it. – Dick Young
Obama’s New World Order – Robert Maginnis, Human Events
In George Bush like fashion, Barack Obama is preparing the U.S. military to continue its nation building exercises around the world. Rather than stepping back like he promised in his campaign speeches, Obama is looking to prepare the U.S. military to spend more time overseas training other nations to fight, and building them up in the image he thinks best for them. This is the wrong direction for America’s military, which should be concentrating on protecting the U.S., not other nations. – Dick Young
Big Ears and Long Tails – Gary Andres, Weekly Standard
The GOP has given conservative Americans a new tool to voice their concerns about the U.S. America Speaking Out gives Americans a way to address their concerns online and generate new solutions on their own to send to Congress. – Dick Young
The Blue Dogs Roll Over – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The editors at The Wall Street Journal paint an ugly picture of the sausage factory in Congress. The Blue Dogs have given in again and again to the liberal wing of their party and should be ousted in favor of conservatives. – Dick Young
Happy Now? – Arthur C. Brooks, National Review
Arthur Brooks shatters the idea that the free market is somehow a zero-sum game in which only those willing to take advantage of their fellow citizens can win. Anyone who has studied economics for more than an afternoon knows better, but apparently the big-wigs in the White House either don’t care about these truths, or have a completely different agenda. Don’t look for rational motives in the Obama fronted Radical Progressive Movement, you won’t find any. Instead you’ll find a group of people dedicated to redistributing your wealth in order to buy votes and keep their stranglehold on power. – Dick Young
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