Our Divisive President – Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen, The Wall Street Journal
Barack Obama is playing hard to win, not to please. He told Senator John Kyl, a well respected man on both sides of the congressional aisle, that the border would not be closed until Republicans agreed to “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is liberal-speak for amnesty for illegal immigrants. This is only one of many issues the president is using to divide the country into constituencies, carving out the larger portion for himself, and vilifying the smaller. Look at rich and poor. President Obama has put a scarlet letter on families earning more than $250,000 a year, and demonized those folk when speechifying to those who make less. The president is dividing the country into haves, and have-nots to get votes, not to fix problems. – Dick Young
A Newt Gingrich Time Warp – Thomas Frank, The Wall Street Journal
Thomas Frank is always great at throwing a lot of mud at conservative ideas, it’s literally what he gets paid to do. But he is right when he concludes that Newt Gingrich is from a time long ago and shouldn’t be running for president in 2012. The media line on Newt Gingrich has been that he is the only conservative with solutions. That’s bull. Many conservatives, including the well-respected Republican Study Committee, the Campaign for Liberty led by Ron Paul, and the so-called “Young Guns” Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, have delivered massive amounts of legislative initiatives to solve the country’s problems. Included in any good legislation should be a major reduction of the corporate tax rate, and an end to double taxation of corporate income. – Dick Young
Charging the Castle – Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator
There is a major fight on the right shaping up in Delaware and to compete, and in the works of Jake and Elwood Blues conservatives are “putting the band back together” from the NY-23 race. The same crowd that ran the campaign for Doug Hoffman that nearly won the race there will be working for the tea party backed Christine O’Donnell to defeat the RINO, Mike Castle. Castle has been assumed to waltz into the Republican nomination, and then right into the Senate seat in Delaware, but O’Donnell is now trying to give him a run for his money. Castle is about as liberal as a Republican can come. He has won statewide elections in Delware as both governor (multiple times) and congressman (multiple times). I don’t know if we’ll see O’Donnell beat Castle, but even a race in which she pulls him farther to right would be a success. – Timothy Jones
Cut to Grow – Stephen Spruiell, National Review
Mr. Spruiell makes perfectly clear what choice the nation is facing in reigning in its deficits when he says “Austerity through spending cuts is always compatible with growth; austerity through tax hikes isn’t.” – Dick Young
Krugman’s ‘Fraud’ – James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal
Paul Krugman gets it all wrong on the climate change scandal, not even using facts in his argument, just spewing unintelligent bile to serve his point. – Dick Young
Steve Wynn Tells it Like it Is
A reader sent in this video of Steve Wynn, hotel magnate, slamming the direction of U.S. government under the current and previous administration.
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