As Obama Kowtows, Unions Eye the Private Sector – Michael Barone, National Review
It’s no wonder unions have declined to represent only 7% of the private sector workforce, everything they have touched has wilted and died. The auto companies and airlines are great examples of unions having driven their employers beyond profitability. The Obama administration has done everything it can to help unions grow their ranks, even attempting to pass ‘card check,’ which would remove Americans’ most basic right of secret ballot elections. The president has succeeded in growing public sector unions by creating thousands and thousands of new government jobs. These jobs are low productivity, high pension jobs that will end up breaking the back of America with more debt needed to pay for the retirements of those workers in the future. The contrast between unionized UPS and non-union FedEx is one Americans should follow. You’re never going to miss a package because FedEx is on strike. To protest card check, switch all your small business shipping to FedEx, I am happy to announce that I have done so at my company. FedEx is committed to free markets, CEO Fred Smith is even a director at the Cato Institute. – Dick Young
Business Knows More than Obama – Larry Kudlow, National Review
With an economic crisis in full force, it is hard to imagine why the Obama administration is taking aim at the heart of business by trying to enact legislation that will hurt growth. The recently passed financial overhaul (Dodd-Frank) will hurt farmers by putting massive regulations in place on how they sell their crops. What did farmers do to cause the financial crisis? No Obama administration policy is more dangerous for America than ‘card check.’ The president and his radical progressive movement (RPM) allies want card check passed in the worst way. Instead of hammering away for union perks, the Obama regime should be fighting for lower corporate taxes to help make America’s businesses competitive in world markets. Businesses are screaming for tax relief, and an explicit plan, to end the uncertainty brought about by the administration’s opaque motives. – Dick Young
Brief for 9 States Backs Arizona Immigration Law – David Runk, Yahoo! News
Nine states have come out strong in support of Arizona’s immigration law. The administration in Washington D.C. has sued Arizona for attempting to enforce federal law, while giving a free pass to so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ which are more than happy to allow illegal immigrants a free pass. Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress simply want to boost their voter base by giving amnesty to as many illegals as possible. That’s not taking care of Americans, that’s Democrats taking care of themselves. There is a better way forward on immigration. – Timothy Jones
Hillary Clinton for President – Pete Du Pont, The Wall Street Journal
A Hillary Clinton run for the presidency would likely rip the Democratic party in two, if not officially, certainly in a practical sense. Once the battle was over, it would likely leave many Democrats disaffected and with campaign fatigue. Let’s hope she runs. – Timothy Jones
Law Remakes U.S. Financial Landscape – Damian Paletta and Aaron Lucchetti, The Wall Street Journal
The largest financial overhaul since the Great Depression was passed by the Senate on Thursday. The bill is loaded with gifts to Democratic constituencies, and punishment for everyone else. With only a minor shift to the center Democrats could have had dozens of GOP votes to support financial reform, but instead they wrote the most partisan bill they could get passed, and received votes from only three Republican senators. Financial reform was surely needed and a good, bipartisan bill could have been worked out if Democrats had anything in mind other than jamming through their radical progressive agenda. – Dick Young
The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics
The causes of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease are far from settled science. I am a supporter of the International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics. – Dick Young
Real Health-Care Reform – Jim Marshall, National Review
The federal government’s health care legislation is 132,000 pages long. Not light reading. In fact I doubt anyone has read it all. The system is set up to discourage Americans from paying their own health care costs out of pocket. Without seeing the prices of the health care services they are buying, they are happy to get all the health care they want, whether they need it or not. Obamacare institutionalized this principle by mandating Americans buy insurance. Not only is a mandate unconstitutional, it will further the problem, rather than alleviate it, helping only insurance companies and not everyday Americans. – Dick Young
Video – Sessions: ‘Kagan Gave Us White House Spin’ – Jason Mattera, Human Events
Elena Kagan has played the Senate judiciary committee for a bunch of fools. She hasn’t answered questions openly and obfuscates at every opportunity. Will she continue to do so once she is sitting on the Supreme Court bench? – Dick Young
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