While I would no way support a massive fed oversight bill, especially one fronted by a guy like Chris Dodd, who should long ago have been drummed out of the senate in disgrace, I do believe the Wall Street crooks have earned their harsh treatment from Main Street Americans. Is there a soul among us who does not believe that Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Citi, Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sachs aren’t deserving of every bit of the media abuse they are getting? Personally I’d like to see some massive fines and jail terms here. – Dick Young
Report: DNI Dennis Blair to Resign – Daniel Foster, National Review
The Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, will shortly be resigning. The resignation looks to me like President Obama using Blair as a scapegoat for the failures of Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of Homeland Security. Napolitano famously claimed “The system worked,” when the Christmas bomber was narrowly stopped from blowing a plane on its way to Detroit. Napolitano should have been ejected from the administration that day, but unfortunately Blair has taken the brunt of the president’s wrath. – Dick Young
The Bankrupting of America – Mortimer Zuckerman, The Wall Street Journal
States are being squeezed from both ends by expenses. From up top they are being handed more and more federal mandates that are unfunded and impractical. From the bottom they are being sucked dry by public employee unions that won’t take a pay cut, even when the private sector is getting hammered. States are in a vice, and the radical progressive movement is turning the crank. – Dick Young
Gold Bugs – Stephen Spruiell, National Review
Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York is accusing conservative talk radio show hosts of impropriety for criticizing the government, and then having gold companies advertise on the show. The implication is that the talk show hosts scare Americans into buying gold and that they reap a profit from this fear. So, what exactly does Mr. Weiner think of Al Gore producing An Inconvenient Truth and then investing heavily in alternative energy companies? It would seem to me that there is little difference here. And while House Democrats are bashing gold, the big dogs are upping their investments in the metal. George Soros, a (the) major Democratic party backer has doubled the size of his gold holdings. When the Fed is printing money, and the Obama administration is borrowing as much as it can, as fast as it can, it’s no wonder Americans want gold, and it’s no wonder the radio show hosts are scared about America’s future. – Dick Young
Here’s What We Think of Your Financial “Reform” – Rossputin, FreedomWorks.org
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