How Liberals Want to Control Your Life – Christian Toto, Human Events
The radical progressive movement is all about control. Terence P. Jeffrey in his new book, Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life, outlines how the administration of Barack Obama wants to extend the government’s control throughout your life. Giving you money when you do what they want, and punishing you hard when you disobey their mandates. The increasing level of control demanded by government is eroding Americans’ freedoms and harming their lives both socially and economically. – Dick Young
Show Me ObamaCare – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Voters in Missouri put what everyone already knew into the official record by overwhelmingly rejecting Obamacare in a referendum on Tuesday. That act made it official that Americans want no part of Obamacare. Its mandates and taxes, backdoor kickbacks and giveaways are enough to make any conservative nauseous, and angry. Over 71% of voters in Missouri rejected Obamacare. Obamacare just gets worse though. Right now bureaucrats are feverishly trying to determine what you will be allowed to buy with the money they give you for healthcare. Don’t expect much. The government has already said that mammograms aren’t needed until age 50. Look for other routine checkup services to fall by the wayside as Big Brother decides they are too expensive to pay for. – Dick Young
Terrorists Claim Tanker Attack – Margaret Coker, Nour Malas, and Summer Said, The Wall Street Journal
One fifth of the world’s oil supply travels through the Strait of Hormuz. According to the al Qaeda affiliated website of the Abdullah Azzam Brigade, their martyr hero Ayyub Al Tayshan blew himself up while inside the Japanese oil tanker M. Star as it travelled through the strait. Imagine the stranglehold terrorists could have on world oil supplies if this proves to be more than just a one off terrorist attack. Just another reason why we need to shed our addiction to foreign oil. – E.J. Smith
Chris Christie: The Scourge of Trenton – Daniel Foster, National Review
In a state that has been strangled by massive public spending, Chris Christie is letting in some air by hanging tough on his promises to cut spending before raising taxes on New Jerseyans. There seems to be plenty of spending to cut, but the Democratic assembly is hard pressed to find anything they’ll give up. Christie will surely help them. All conservatives should be impressed by the job Christie is doing in Trenton. – Dick Young
The Great Guy Theory of History – Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
It’s long past time Charlie Rangel did the right thing and stepped down. Even if he is innocent, 20 years in Congress is much more than the founders anticipated for anyone. Congress was supposed to be something people did once or twice. Farmers and businessmen were supposed to head to the Capitol and represent their districts a few times a year and only for a few years. Charlie Rangel’s predicament might have never happened had he not been allowed to amass 20 terms of congressional experience in which he amassed favors and influence. Term limits might be a very good idea to stop the next Charlie Rangel from happening. – Dick Young
Will the GOP Storm the Statehouses? – Karl Rove, The Wall Street Journal
Democrats’ prospects look bad in Congress, but look even worse in the 37 races for governor that will culminate in November. There couldn’t be a more pivotal year than this to win the governorship in a state. 2010 will be a redistricting year, and whichever party holds the governorship in a state will get more power over how districts are redrawn there. – Timothy Jones
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