Sigh: Kagan Confirmed by Senate, 63-37 – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
Only a minority of Americans support Elena Kagan’s confirmation as a Supreme Court justice. It is no wonder as to why. Kagan is the most far left radical to be appointed to the court in decades. Her career of political activism includes absolutely no judicial experience, and her time in the Clinton White House bares a record of liberal activism far beyond anything acceptable for a so-called impartial justice. The GOP should have smacked down this nomination in its first days. Instead, the usual suspects, Sens. Judd Gregg (NH), Lindsey Graham (SC), Susan Collins (ME), Dick Lugar (IN), and Olympia Snowe (ME) all voted to confirm Kagan. What justification could they have? What in Kagan’s record positively qualifies her for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country? The answer is nothing. These five senators will no doubt have much to explain to their constituents as they head home for summer. – Dick Young
Romer to Resign as Obama Adviser – David Wessel, The Wall Street Journal
Christina Romer will be leaving the President’s council of economic advisors and heading back to California. Romer famously predicted that the stimulus package would keep unemployment rates below 8%. Apparently not. In a perfect summation of the administration’s policy failure Romer told the WSJ, “I certainly hoped it would be lower.” Didn’t we all. Hope seems to have its limits after all. Romer will be the second member of the Obama economic team to resign, presumably they are all tired of working with Larry Summers. – Timothy Jones
McCollum v. ObamaCare – Kimberely A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal
Twenty states are bringing lawsuits against Obamacare. Governors across the nation have picked up the fight against the Obama administration’s creeping socialism, and if Karl Rove is to be believed, they are going to get major backup next year. Rove expects a wave of new GOP governors to be elected in November. An addition to the ranks of Republican governors could seriously hamper the Obama agenda. America needs governors who will fight for states’ rights and remember that powers not vested in the federal government by the constitution belong to the states and the people, not Barack Obama. – Dick Young
Social Security to Pay Out More Than it Takes in For First Time Ever – Kenneth R. Bazinet, NY Daily News
In case you hadn’t heard, Social Security is unsustainable and should be reformed by upping the age of eligibility for benefits for those between 18-40, and allowing those under 18 to opt-out entirely. The system should be allowed to sunset through attrition. This year, Social Security will pay out more than it makes, meaning not only that politicians can’t raid its surplus to spend it on pet projects, but that the shortfall will be made up by borrowing from China. Now America’s retirees are dependent on the ability of the U.S. to borrow from a nation of communists. – Timothy Jones
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