Commentary by Dick Young on Will You Join Us? By Matt Kibbe, The American Spectator
As Matt Kibbe points out, Americans have been had. They voted for ‘change’ but got more of the same, spending, taxing, and borrowing. Americans simply want government to leave them alone, but it won’t. Politicians and bureaucrats simply won’t allow Americans any peace. They either want to take money from the citizenry, or borrow on the citizens’ dime to pay for projects they dream up. Matt Kibbe points out here that Americans are naïve to believe that politicians leave their own self-interest at the door. That is one of the most important things to remember going into election season. Politicians are in the game for their own prize. Kibbe urges Americans to join the ever growing Tea Party community and to change the culture outside of Washington D.C., so Americans can change the culture inside D.C. Kibbe and FreedomWorks will be hosting a major rally in Washington on September 12th. Patriots welcome.
Commentary by Dick Young on Sunday’s Meet the Press with Dick Armey,
Dick Armey on the size of the federal government “This is a big, fat, sloppy, inefficient, obstructionist, Porky Pig that’s standing in the way of economic progress for the American people.”
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Wind Power Won’t Cool Down the Planet by Robert Bryce, The Wall Street Journal
It’s understood that wind power is as an expensive renewable energy, but as the thinking goes, if it reduces CO2 emissions then it’s worth the price. Well, as it turns out wind power isn’t projected to make much of a dent in future CO2 emissions mainly because it still requires the less efficient stop and go use of natural gas and does little to solve our oil problem. The Waxman-Markey energy bill that passed the house last year would require a 25% renewable electricity standard which the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates would have a potential savings of less than 5% of CO2 emissions nationwide by 2030, a far cry from 80% by 2050 goal set by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, wind subsidies are 200 times greater than those received by oil and gas.
Commentary by Deborah Young on Medical Care Facts and Fables by Thomas Sowell, National Review
America’s health care system is second to none. No other western country has as long a life expectancy after removing homicide and automobile related deaths. Doctors in the U.S. are doing a great job compared to their European counterparts. And the health care delivery system is performing better than those countries’ systems too. Sally Pipes, the president of the Pacific Research Institute, has written a book The Truth About Obamacare to explain the new national health care system to Americans before it’s too late to repeal. Pipes is one of the nation’s brightest experts on health care, and a leader for freedom of choice in health care.
Commentary by Dick Young on The Political Expendables by Jim Geraghty, National Review
If you live in any of these congressional districts, MO-3, OR-1, NJ-12, IA-1, CA-20, CO-7, OH-6, GA-2, NC-7, UT-2, MN-4, TN-4, or WI-3 you have yourself a race on your hands. Your Democratic congressman is at risk of losing his job to an opponent from the GOP. Tell your neighbors to get out and vote for the conservative in the race. These districts are so close every vote will count.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on McCain, Palin Players in Tuesday Primaries by John Gizzi, Human Events
There will be big electoral primaries today in Arizona, Florida and Alaska. In AZ John McCain is fighting for his political life against J.D. Hayworth. Neither candidate is perfect, but it is no surprise to see John McCain having such a difficult time getting reelected after the 2008 presidential race he boggled. In Florida conservatives are looking at better prospects. Marco Rubio is a lock for the Republican senate nomination, and conservative Attorney General Bill McCollum looks to win the GOP primary for governor. Both will have to fight hard in the general elections to win. In Alaska things aren’t looking to change much. I don’t see defeat on the horizon for Senator Lisa Murkowski. Even with a Sarah-Palin backed opponent, Murkowski is from a family of Alaskan politicos that has been around since long before Palin was a household name.
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