Whose Country Is This? – Pat Buchanan, Human Events
The federal government has failed in protecting the country’s borders. The president is acting as if illegal immigration isn’t even a problem, and Republican “leadership” in the form of John McCain is calling for a paltry 3,000 troops to be sent to guard the southern border. There are over eight times that many U.S. troops guarding South Korea from North Korea; shouldn’t America be able to field more than 3,000 souls to guard its very own border with Mexico? The Mexican/U.S. border is nearly 13 times longer than the Korean border. As Pat says, “America today has an establishment that, because it does not like the immigration laws, countenances and condones wholesale violation of those laws.” The border could be closed tomorrow if America’s leaders weren’t trying to score political points with a Hispanic lobby that doesn’t even represent much of the Hispanic population. – Dick Young
Arizona Has It Right – Ted Nugent, Human Events
Ted correctly points out that “Democrats see any immigration reform measures that seek to protect our border as a threat to their future political base. You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not see that the grand plan of the Democrats is to entrap illegal immigrants by giving them legal status and then to enslave and destroy them with numerous federal hand-outs and programs.” The Radical Progressive Movement is developing a larger voting base by allowing lawbreakers into the country. It will soon push to give these criminals amnesty, and then they’ll all be thrust onto the rolls of Obamacare. How are the cost projections for Obamacare going to hold up under the weight of 11 million new “citizens?” – Dick Young
Hysterics Against Arizona – Rich Lowry, National Review
The new law in Arizona requiring immigrants to carry their immigration documents with them simply strengthens existing laws already on the books. The illegal immigration lobby comparing the new Arizona law to Hitler’s Germany is simply preposterous and uncalled for in polite society. Arizonans are more than justified in protecting their state’s scarce resources from abuse and consumption by illegal immigrants. Schools, hospitals, and prisons are being pushed to the limit by the influx of illegal immigrants who have no skin in the game. What happens when these institutions collapse and not even legal residents and citizens have access? Perhaps Arizona will then be compared to Zimbabwe or Belarus, states that simply can’t provide for their people. – Dick Young
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