First off, the government is far from shut down. Most of the essential services Americans rely on day to day will continue, so pay no attention to the media hysteria and headline grabbers. In large measure, what gets shut down is whole swathes of fat and waste that should never have been allowed to exist from the start. Here is an example you can relay to all your terrified liberal friends who are panicked or enraged over the folly of shutdown.
We have in America approximately 1.2 million farmers and ranchers. At the Department of Agriculture, there are approximately 106,000 government bureaucrats. The numbers work out to one bureaucrat for every twelve farmers or ranchers in the country. Is there a single American who does not believe that thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Ag bureaucrats could not be sliced from the rolls with zero effect on the country?
Here Pat Buchanan lays out the shutdown reality for you. The Republicans have twice voted for funding of all government agencies and programs except Obamacare. Americans do not want Obamacare, and Republicans are correct in continuing to oppose funding. But Harry Reid would not accept the trade off. As a result, a partial government shutdown is now in place, as should absolutely be the case. Obamacare is a job killer and a functional nightmare that must be repealed.
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