As the fate of Obamacare slowly rolls its way toward the Supreme Court, it is time to remember that the most important man in America today is Justice Anthony Kennedy. With his swing vote he will decide the fortune of Obamacare, and either allow similar twisted legislation to become law in the future, or stop such constitutional overreach dead in its tracks. The administration of President Obama is out and about calling the rulings of two district court judges that Obamacare is unconstitutional, “judicial activism.” This type of protection of the constitution is almost the entire job description of a federal judge, so one must wonder why the administration would sneer at such activity.
In Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, the president appointed to justices he knew would back up his twisted reading of the constitution. The two newest justices have consistently sided with the court’s liberal wing, even leading it further to the left. President Obama must not be allowed to gain a second term. Allowing him to replace Justice Kennedy would be a tragedy. Americans must send the president packing in 2012.
It is imperative in the meantime that Obamacare be rejected as the unconstitutional power grab it is. In an interview with Bill O’Reilly, the president had the nerve to say that he hasn’t raised taxes in his time in office. His largest tax increases haven’t happened yet, but they’re baked in the cake, coming in the form of a 0.9 percentage point tax increase on incomes and a definition change that will hit unearned income in 2013 as well.
Since Obamacare was enacted, its job-killing, health care insurance destroying nature has already been seen for what it is by 733 companies and unions who have sought and received waivers from the law’s draconian mandates. The president’s health secretary is handing out waivers like candy to big businesses that undoubtedly spend a lot more in campaign donations than the mom-and-pops that are going to be bearing the brunt of the Obamacare law. How do you feel about the Fortune 500 crowd and the unions getting waivers that you aren’t? Doesn’t seem fair, because it’s not. This waiver program will surely be headed on to the Supreme Court for another challenge based on constitutional grounds. Philip Hamburger has written an excellent history of executive waivers here.
What is most frightening is that many Americans today don’t seem to care about their own freedoms. Obamacare has placed many new burdens on Americans, and put the government ahead of them again and again. Yet few seem to care that the Obama administration is running roughshod over their liberties (as have the last three administrations). I urge you to read the excellent material coming out of the Cato Institute and FreedomWorks. Uncle Sam must be cut down to a svelte 155 pound weight, and not be allowed to remain the Jabba the Hut beast that we have today.
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