Commentary by Dick Young on Weak Dollar Pushes Gold to New Highs by Rhiannon Hoyle, The Wall Street Journal
Dollar weakness, even in the face of recent Japanese intervention on the part of the yen, is not surprising with interest rates pegged near zero. For a better view of how dollar weakness has affected the gold price, read The Record High Price of Gold: A Currency Story by E.J. Smith.
The Virtue of Lower Taxes
By E.J. Smith
You know how you want to spend and save your money. You don’t need Washington’s greedy hand in your pocket just to redistribute it for their reelection. The stakes between the Washington elite and the private sector have never been higher. As it stands, over half of the population receives a significant portion of their personal income from government programs. Those on the dole want more and Washington wants their vote. It’s a match made in heaven held together by higher taxes on the private sector. The virtue of lower taxes is that it’s a reward for you, not Washington, for your effort. Taking wealth away from one group and giving it to another puts participants in the private sector at odds with one another. Perhaps that’s what Washington wants. At the heart of what’s taking place on the tax issue is whether the country will continue its drift toward a nanny state or wake-up and become a nation that values personal responsibility through the virtue of low taxes. You can’t have it both ways.
The Comedy Central Rally
By Timothy Jones
Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert will be holding a “Rally to Restore Sanity,” on the National Mall on October 30. It is going to be very interesting to see how many people show up. After Glenn Beck’s rally, a lot of TV personalities waxed-philosophic that they too could bring as many people to Washington. I have my doubts. People were showing up to the Beck rally because they believe America is fundamentally broken and want to fix it. People won’t show up for a status quo rally, though they may show up to see the very funny Stewart and Colbert perform.
Commentary by Dick Young on De Pasquale’s Dozen: Allen West by Lisa De Pasquale, Human Events
You should definitely read this interview with candidate and former lt. colonel Allen West of Florida’s 22nd district. West is a passionate speaker and extremely intelligent politician. Americans would absolutely benefit from his representation in Congress. To learn more about West visit his homepage here.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Caught in the Crossfire by W. James Antle, III, The American Spectator
The outrage currently being harbored by many conservatives against the NRA is not surprising. As a member I can tell you it often feels more like the NRA is simply trying to sell me magazine subscriptions than representing me in government. But when one takes a step back and considers the recent success in the Supreme Court of gun rights activists, led by the NRA, the outrage certainly cools. The NRA must work with whichever party is in power to maintain the second amendment rights of Americans. Without the power to approach both parties equally, the NRA would be unnecessary, and would surely fail in its mission. Conservatives are right to expect a lot from the NRA, but they also have to remember the successes of the Heller case and the Chicago case. In the past few years the NRA has solidified the rights of gun owners at the Supreme Court level. That’s certainly a success worth a magazine subscription.
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