In Rhode Island conservatives have a chance to repeat the Scott Brown victory by electing John Loughlin to the seat currently held by Patrick Kennedy. Kennedy is retiring and his hopeful Democratic replacement is taking a lot of heat. David Cicilline is the current mayor of Providence, meaning first of all that he has a disgruntled population of current constituents to overcome to win. Providence and the surrounding metro area have an unemployment rate of 11.8%. It’s not surprising to see such numbers when Cicilline has allowed Providence to be a “sanctuary city,” where illegal immigrants are welcomed with open arms. Meanwhile, Rhode Islanders are left wondering where their jobs have gone.
Cicilline has been involved in numerous questionable ethical situations. He “mistakenly” received $20,000 in extra pay over a four-year period only to return the money once he was caught red handed. Have you mistakenly received an extra $5,000 in any year at your job? I didn’t think so.
Loughlin on the other hand has been the picture of American responsibility for his entire life. He’s an Eagle Scout, veteran Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard, worked for NASA as a public affairs official and has been a state representative in Rhode Island’s General Assembly for three terms.
The Cook Political Report has labeled the race in Rhode Island’s first congressional district as Lean Democrat. That’s the most vulnerable a Democrat can get before the race is a toss up. The district is filled with independent voters who could swing any way. In a year like 2010 where independents are outraged at the overreach of congressional Democrats, look for their support to go to John Loughlin. To support Loughlin, visit his website here.
It’s really no surprise that Americans want to run as far from the Obama agenda as possible. Stanley Kurtz writes in his new book about the president that, “When I began my post-campaign research for this book, my inclination was to downplay or dismiss evidence of explicit socialism in Obama’s background. I thought the socialism issue was an unprovable and unnecessary distraction from the broader question of Obama’s ultra-liberal inclinations. I was wrong. Evidence that suggests Obama is a socialist, I am now convinced, is real, important, and profoundly relevant to the present.” Kurtz backs up his claims with voluminous evidence of Barack Obama’s socialist roots. Read more about his book in his interview with National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez here.
Remember as you’re headed into the final days of this election season that the promises of Democrats and RINO Republicans have all been leading America to this place for some time. Big spending is a bipartisan exercise but there are small government conservatives in races across the country today. Sharron Angle in Nevada is a committed spending cutter. She is facing Harry Reid, the Spender-in-Chief of the Senate. Reid has led the country headlong into this disaster. After Democrats took power of Congress in 2006, Harry has been guiding America down the rabbit hole. Nevada also seems to be ground-zero for voter fraud. Roger Hedgecock details in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at Human Events that illegal immigrants are registered voters in Harry’s home state. Conservatives need to turn out in overwhelming fashion to block any attempts by liberals to steal these elections.
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