I love the Food Babe’s blogs and almost always find the FB right on the money and righteously concise in her presentations. Here the Food Babe explains, correctly in my studies, that turmeric fights inflammation. Many in the medical profession will tell you that it is inflammation that is the real heart attack culprit. I believe this is the case. Here Dr. Weil is brought into the mix to explain the potential link to turmeric as a cancer fighter. Debbie and I have taken turmeric daily for years, so it is nice to read such a well-presented essay in support.
Turmeric is super powerful at reducing inflammation in the body naturally – without drugs – i.e. Advil, etc.
Did you know that the inactive ingredients in different forms of Advil include artifical food coloring made from petroleum, artificial sugars, sodium benzoate, GMO’s, propylene glycol (the stuff used in anti-freeze for your car) and parabens?
When I had a bad accident a couple of years ago, I did not take ibuprofen long term or any other prescribed drugs, I took turmeric extract in pill form to allow my body to heal naturally and ease the pain of my injury. And I would not be sharing this story, unless it freaking worked! To this day – whenever I have an ailment – I turn to turmeric.
But that’s just the icing on the cake – Turmeric can also be used a preventative measure against a myriad of diseases, not just treat a specific aliment.
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