The Democrats are simply out to suck business dry. After receiving over $170 million from unions this election cycle, Democrats probably were thinking that they don’t need business anymore. That’s why when big company CEOs like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers fund conservative groups, the left demonizes them so badly. They have no need for funding from such wealthy folks, their donations are taken from their constituents by contract. Union members pay their dues, and leadership forwards them on to the Democratic Party. Who needs any entrepreneurial spirit in that cycle?
Exhibit A is the 1099 debacle passed by Congress as part of the outrageous Obamacare legislation. Democrats snuck this little doozy into the bill in order to increase tax revenue from business. The only problem is that the burdensome filing requirements of the 1099 amendment will end up forcing businesspeople out of business altogether! The bill requires businesses to file a 1099 with the IRS any time the business buys more than $600 worth of supplies from a supplier. Only $600! That’s chump change for most businesses.
The 1099 requirement has also been said to catch many of the country’s transactions in gold. If the government is tracking gold buying and selling, that’s something for all Americans to worry about.
Humility in Government, Really – E.J. Smith
When W. James Antle, III told Mitch Daniels that he would be doing an article on the Indiana governor, Daniels told him “Did you run out of other things to write about?” Daniels doesn’t see himself as the center of the universe, unlike many other politicians in the country. Daniels has been a serious reformer in Indiana, where his strong performance was almost certainly a factor in the near GOP sweep of the state’s elected offices.
Daniels has cut spending in Indiana, balanced budgets and become just the sort of principled conservative leader the country needs to get things done. Antle writes that “Under Daniels, all state agencies were made to cut their budgets by 10 percent and Indiana sold two-thirds of its state-owned airplanes. Most state employees didn’t get pay raises in 2009 or 2010 and the governor’s pay was cut.”
That sounds very different from the man currently running America’s federal government. Barack Obama wants to raise taxes to do what he wants to do with your money. Men like Mitch Daniels want to cut your taxes and lessen the burdens of government on the lives of their constituents.
Alaska Election Update – Timothy Jones
Jim Geraghty writes at National Review that Joe Miller is likely to win in Alaska given the outcomes of previous write-in campaigns. The arithmetic is on the Tea-Partier’s side, but as you can see in Geraghty’s article, the establishment will stop at nothing to get their candidate.
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