Obamacare Already Missing Deadlines – Martha Zollar, Human Events
After the bull rush was used to pass Obamacare, Democrats are nowhere near the implementation goals they promised constituents. At 90 after the bill was passed, many of the provisions were supposed to be in place or under development, many have not even been looked at since the bill was signed. So what exactly was the rush for? One key provision that hasn’t been implemented is a publishing of a list of new authorities given to the government by the bill. That was what Nancy Pelosi probably meant when she told Americans the bill had to be passed before they would know what was in it. Well, the bill has been passed and the government still won’t tell Americans what caliber gun they are looking down the barrel of. In the end, Obamacare is simply a ploy to grow the size of government, and pad the balance sheets of Democrats’ favored special interests. – Dick Young
Too Rich to Live? – Laura Saunders and Mary Pilon, The Wall Street Journal
Democrats in the Senate have refused to fix the death tax, adding more uncertainty to the business climate. Already business planners are wary of making any investments in manpower or capital because the Democrats have not given Americans any guidance on what should be expected regarding the extension of the Bush tax cuts. Democrats likely want to let them expire but surely don’t want to take up the issue before the November elections. Doing nothing will allow them to get what they want without causing a big stir. Next year the estate tax will come back hard at 55% of assets over $1 million dollars. Does the government really deserve more of a dead man’s assets than his heirs? I think not. – Dick Young
The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myth – Brian Riedl, The Wall Street Journal
Brian Riedl uses data to prove that deficits have not been caused by the Bush tax cuts, but that they have been created by increased spending and a decline in the amount of government revenue caused by the recession. If the tax cuts are allowed to sunset, and Americans are hit with major tax increases, Congress and President Obama will some more revenue but it will likely fund increased spending and surely will not help economic growth. These two effects will surely outweigh any efforts to reduce the debt as a percentage of GDP. – Timothy Jones
Signs of the Times – Thomas Sowell, National Review
It’s hard to overemphasize the role that uncertainty is playing in the economy right now. Thomas Sowell reports that Pfizer is keeping $26 billion off the table because it doesn’t know how the business climate will be next year. It’s surely not the only business, and small businesses are probably faring even worse as one investment gone wrong could sink most American small businesses in this economy. Democrats are failing the American people, and American business both large and small. A direction on taxes, regulation, and spending are needed today. While Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are trying to remake America in their image, it is crumbling around them. – Dick Young
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