This sea change, along with the emergence of Marine Le Pen’s Front National (FN), is the big takeaway from the French elections. A younger generation of French politicians and voters are making waves that will change the political landscape in France.
Just such a sea change is underway here in America, though older Americans and the entrenched political elite will deny it, if they even sense such a seismic shift. The Marxist policies of Barack Obama have proved a disaster for America. A quick check of America’s level of debt, the ever-running record of massive budget deficits, historically low job growth, and a sinking dollar provide the ironclad evidence. Mainline Republicans, including George Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and John Boehner, have offered little better. America’s rigid two-party political system has not served Americans well. The proof is in the pudding.
Today, America perches precariously on a cornice. Millions of American artisans, evangelical Christians, farmers, and small business owners (including Dick Young) do not want to be lumped into a Republican voting block based on starting fruitless foreign wars and ringing up monster deficits keyed to big government entitlement schemes. On the Democrat side, hard-working blue-collar workers (likely NRA members, Harley guys, and Sunday church goers) want no part of the welfare fraudists (i.e., ACORN), professorial elites, and Hollywood yahoos. In France, the Socialists just received the whupping of a lifetime, and Marine Le Pen’s radical right Front National (FN) has made gains of a historic magnitude. America, as NFL draftnicks are want to say, is “now on the clock.”
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