Reestablishing diplomatic relations with Cuba is the correct move. Allowing Americans to travel to Cuba and encouraging commerce between the two countries makes a lot of sense. President Obama is generally on the right track with Cuba, but it’s a narrow track. As always, the president misfires when he ventures too far from script.
Regarding Obama’s pronouncements on Cuban’s access to technology, Mary Anastasia O’Grady writes in the WSJ, “Even the humblest Cuban peasant would split his sides laughing if he heard those statements, which none did because they do not have access to anything other than Cuban state television.”
Mary continues, “It’s true that the Cuban people lack access to technology, but Mr. Obama’s suggestion that it is because of the embargo is a howler.”
Back in November 2012 National Geographic ran a feature article on Cuba. NG wrote, “About 80% of Cuba’s labor force works for the state. The workplace philosophy this inspires: they pretend to pay us, while we pretend to work.”
According to NG: “Many Cubans no longer practice their professions because years of study—in engineering, medicine—produced salaries in a currency that’s worthless.”
Thanks to Bush/Obama policies like no child left behind and Obamacare, America today is on a Cuba-like course. Debbie and I spend enough time outside the United States to have a pretty good feel for what currency debasement is all about. Your American mini-dollar does not spend real well in places like Paris and Lucerne. Talk about sticker shock!
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