It is hard to decide. Republicans are rightfully calling for Sebelius to be fired. But there may be a better idea. Pat Buchanan suggests leaving her where she is. Sebelius does such a horrid job trying to explain the Obamacare debacle that there may be more to gain for Republicans by simply letting her continue on.
The pots and pans are clanging for the ouster of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius as the Obamacare website rollout takes on the aspect of that of the Edsel.
Yet, though it is a website that has America laughing, Obama’s legacy legislation itself could, in its entirety, be in peril. As ex-pilot George W. Bush used to say, this thing looks like a five-spiral crash.
Republicans are clamoring for Sebelius’s firing.
Herewith, a dissent. Why not leave her right where she is?
After all, Sebelius’s continuance testifies more eloquently than any attack ad just how far Obama’s beliefs about government and political philosophy are beyond the Middle American mainstream.
In most great U.S. corporations, if an executive had three years to roll out the product on which the company’s future might depend, and delivered this debacle, he would be gone. Panic would ensue. Emergency meetings of the board would be held to determine if more heads should roll and who should be brought in to save the company.
Outside of government, people routinely pay for their mistakes. Inside, there is often no penalty, no price, no punishment for failure.
To Obama, a mess that has members of his own party calling for suspending Obamacare for a year is just the result of “glitches.”
Still good enough for government work.
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