The 2010 Census has been released. Using the 2010 Census interactive map, you can see the growth/declines of populations in the states. Michigan was the only state in the nation to see an actual population decline, but many states saw growth that was under the national average. Texas and Florida saw enough population growth to gain them 4 and 2 new congressional seats, respectively.
The flow of populations was almost entirely to states that would be considered “red” states, which vote Republican the majority of the time. These states will pick up a number of new congressmen and Electoral College votes, which should come in handy in 2012.
The liberal web site, Slate, frantically points out that the population gains in many of these states were made in their most liberal environs, and that may be true, but it doesn’t matter when the state votes as a bloc, as in the presidential election. Slate’s Christopher Beam wants to make sure, too, that everyone knows that population growth of minorities and the college-educated is good for Democrats long-term. I say, we’ll see. What would make a rural, Catholic, small business owning Hispanic any more inclined to vote for the big-city, anti-Christian, big-government party than a rural, protestant, small-business owning white person? I say probably nothing. Mr. Beam and his associates at Slate are probably not going to like it, but as minorities occupy an ever-increasing portion of the population, they will also occupy an ever-increasing portion of the middle class. The middle-class, whether made up of minorities or not, will not want to share its hard-earned wealth with the government.
Many of the recent immigrants to the U.S. are fleeing countries where they have already seen socialist policies fail. The government of Mexico is a great example, and there are plenty more south of the border. The National Review’s Stanley Kurtz writes in his new book, Radical-in-Chief that “the young Obama was no hack, but a committed, hard-core Marxist. He didn’t fool his organizing mentors into believing that he shared their views; rather, those mentors taught him how to do socialism the pragmatic way, the sellable way.” Why would new immigrants be anymore enthusiastic about a Marxist government in the U.S. than the Marxist governments they are fleeing across Central America?
Does anyone think the short-term legislative gifts the Democrats are trying to give to illegal immigrant populations are going to matter when immigrants own their own businesses or have to decide on voting for higher or lower taxes? Hell no. In the short term legislation like the DREAM Act may entice a few immigrant families to vote Democrat, but long term it will be forgotten (if it ever gets passed of course). Immigrating illegally is a one-time act, but the pride in owning a business and seeing the value in hard work, those are both conservative values.
As the Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent writes “Americans know we shouldn’t reward illegal behavior unless we want more of it. Only criminals and bloodsuckers reward bad behavior.” Thus is the reason Americans can’t just allow illegal immigrants to become citizens. Taxes need to be paid, immigration paperwork needs to be filled out and everyone must be on the same playing field.
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